Issue with check in instruction

Level 1
Bakewell, United Kingdom

Issue with check in instruction

Hi, is anyone having any issues with their check in information at the moment? We have found that all of our listings have had the information removed and when we have started to put it back in, the title text is showing in a variety of foreign languages? 



Alison (Peak Venues)




14 Replies 14
Top Contributor
Bergamo, Italy

Ciao @PeakVenues0 , yes, I have the same problem here in Italy: title text is showing in a variety of foreign languages in set up configuration. I don't know if this issue is affecting also guests listing. 

Level 2
Putney, VT

Yes! I have had to send my guests directions directly instead of Airbnb sending it.  Not sure why.  

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Pontefract, United Kingdom

Hi @PeakVenues0@Andrea6232, and @Jaja9 this definitely sounds like a bug. 

If you have any screenshots of this happening that you could post here, that would be really helpful. I'm going to pass this information along to the team so they can have a look into it. 



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Ciao @Breanna , here comes the screenshot




Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Pontefract, United Kingdom

You're a star @Andrea6232! I'll send this over to them as well. 



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@Breanna ... another screenshot after refreshing the page




Level 1
Bakewell, United Kingdom

Screenshot 2023-10-25 at 13.27.02.png


Screenshot 2023-10-25 at 13.26.17.png


So the first screen shot for Applehoe cottage shows the check in info which we have put back in today and the title is in french.  The second screenshot is of Holly Bank House which has no check in details in whatsoever, even though we have every property set up with this information provided as standard. Hope these help Thanks Alison @Peak Venues

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Pontefract, United Kingdom

Thank you for this @PeakVenues0



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Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Pontefract, United Kingdom

Hi all,

Just here with an update and a request for some more information as the technical team is having a look at this bug for you.

Would you be able to provide the links to the listings you mentioned (Applehoe Cottage and Holly Bank House) so that they can have a look at those specifically?

Are both issues (check-in instructions disappearing and wrong language) still occurring? 

If you have any screenshots, please feel free to leave them in a comment here and let us know if it's happening for just one or both of your listings.

The team was able to confirm your reports and have raised a ticket. Please do let us know here if you notice any change in the meantime.

Thank you all for all the info you've already sent!



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Ciao @Breanna , no change in the meantime, same behaviour ...

Level 2
Putney, VT

I am still having guest say that Airbnb is not sending them directions on how to get to the apartment? Not sure if it is them and their connections to WiFi or Airbnb. 

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Pontefract, United Kingdom

Just wanted to "check in" 😉 with everyone who commented here regarding check in information issues. Has the issue been resolved for you?

@PeakVenues0 @Jaja9 @Andrea6232 



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Ciao @Breanna , yes! Thank you!



Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Pontefract, United Kingdom

Excellent news @Andrea6232. Thank you! 



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