King size bed guest amenity filter option- glitch won't show amenity for hosts to add their King beds as amenities.

Level 10
Silver Spring, MD

King size bed guest amenity filter option- glitch won't show amenity for hosts to add their King beds as amenities.

Hi All,

I was going to book a listing when I learned through the most recent amenity filters that King bed had been added as an amenity!  Since we host an apartment with a King bed I decided to do a search, in the area where our rental is, and noticed our listing did not show up!


Figured out that the amenity has to be linked to editing options for amenities.  So, I looked on our listing editing page for the amenities and did not see an option of us to choose King bed.  

I messaged and received two calls and two messages from customer service reps.  They did not know there was even an amenity for guests to choose a king bed until I mentioned it several times and finally asked them to make a fake booking to see what amenities popped up.  Sure enough King bed was an option they could select to book and our listing did not show up as ones that offer a kind-sized bed.  Last customer service rep said she'd report it to the technical team. Since there are so few rentals in our area that have king beds I am particularly disappointed by this glitch.  A good bit of larger sized tall and stout people rent from us so having our king bed showcased through the filter, as an amenity, could help increase our bookings.


Seems all of bi-annual Airbnb roll outs have an effect on each other.  What is being offered to guests doesn't necessarily flow to the side of the technology offered to hosts.  I experienced this  with the accessibility features, too.  After way too much communication with 10+ different reps, including the executive team reps,  the accessibility features were corrected and added to my listing. 


If Airbnb is trying to get more guests they need to not offer some many new options that don't translate to all that guests are searching for.  It'd be good if they would just get right what they do have before offering anything more!

Has anyone who has a king bed been able to add it as an amenity for their listing? Or are you not seeing a king bed as an amenity that you can add?



14 Replies 14
Top Contributor
Willits, CA



Good question! We have a king bed for our guests, have for years. After reading this, I looked for the option under amenities and did not find it on the checklist. Hmmmmm. This is interesting ! I'd like very much to add it to the list. We are tall people, and would search for either a King or two beds. 

I've requested some help from the Escalation team since I haven't yet gotten an answer from the 3 CS reps who contacted me.  Will post what I hear.  In the meantime, the more people who have king beds and are aware of/and are experiencing this issue the more people who can be calling into Airbnb to request this issue be addressed.  The thing is I don't believe most hosts know that king bed is listed as a guest amenity to choose from because I don't believe Airbnb ever publicized it to hosts.

The issue with the king bed seems to have been fixed and it is now showing up under our listing that we have a king bed.  Try to do a search and see if your kind bed shows up.  If not I encourage you to reach out to Vivian in the Escalation team.  Good luck!

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Mandrake-And-Karen0 I've said it before - the King size bed filter is a recipe for disaster. We have King sized and Super King sized beds in our listings but none are as big as an American King sized bed. Ah well I just hope Americans are not too upset when they arrive......

Amenities can be specified, though.  Airbnb is already doing this with other amenities. Take for example the exercise equipment option that allows hosts to check off/specify what they offer.  That is also the case for TV options for Cable, Roku, etc.

For example, bed linens are listed as an amenity option.  There could be below it an option to specify size of linens that would specify different sizes by measurements with a  description.  This could "feed" or populate into the description field of a bed size hosts offer.



I never knew there were different dimensions for King-sized beds in different countries until I saw it mentioned in the CC in several discussions. I have travelled internationally, but I guess I never knew this. It would be important to know if one were very tall, but I don't fall into that category 😊 

Hi @Mandrake-And-Karen0 


That is very strange....I am working with an owner who does have a King bed and when I do an incognito guest search with the King bed filter turned on, it only shows properties with King beds (including hers)...hmmmm. 🤔


I do see you have King bed under "Where You'll Sleep". I'm guessing Airbnb is pulling the information from the Rooms section on listings to populate the guest filter. Try going into your property and rooms section and re-enter your bed info. Try calling it a queen bed and save. Then go in and change it to King bed and save. See if that makes a difference.


You could add "King Bed" to your title for now until this gets fixed so guests can see it on the thumbnail image. The owner I am working with does that with her Title, as many guests don't know the King Bed filter exists::


Pristine Garden Apt Retreat w/ Home Comforts change to:

Pristine Garden Apt Retreat w/King Bed

Thanks for the advice, Joan.  I really appreciate your taking time to offer your input. The problem is I am not able to see any area to change or save any bed size that will populate into the amenity filter search.  I did add "King bed" to my listing, photo and  "space" descriptions.  At one point, earlier this year, I titled my listing "Pristine Garden Apt Retreat w/ King Bed."   That really isn't my preference to list my title that way.  I decided instead to  intentionally use descriptive words and tone in my title from what guests said they liked most about our rental.  This is a strategy that I honed that works well to attract other guests who would have an appreciation for what we offer. 

Btw heard from Escalations department, hoping they will fix this issue sooner than later so that we can go about our business!

Level 1
Fort Lauderdale, FL

Our property with a king size bed (verified we ticked that box) won't show up when the king size bed filter is selected.

Hi @Al285 

A previous Host had the same issue recently and posted here about it. They had to contact Airbnb CS to get it corrected.

Yes, after we contacted the Escalation team it was resolved.  Suggest others do the same.  The regular customer service were/are not helpful at all.

When I turn on the filter for King bed my listing disappears! Even though I only have king beds and they're all listed as amenities in the photos.

Do you mean that you attempted to do a guest search filter choosing the King Bed amenitiy and your listing was not appearing? If that is the case reach out and request to communicate with the Escalation Team.  This is an ongoing problem with Airbnb's system.