We've all had complaints about the various changes Airbnb makes (on a regular basis, it seems) but I have to say I appreciate the fact that they now basically give you a countdown to how much longer you have to review a guest. This was implemented awhile ago, but prior to the change, we had to guess how long we had until the clock ran out. We knew it was 14 days, but those last 24 hours were questionable, so getting it close enough without running out of time was a challenge.
Why is this important for hosts?
Because many of us know, that for certain guests, if you had a bad experience with them and they have not reviewed you yet, it's best practice to wait until the last minute to review them.
The universe has sent me a string of less than ideal guests recently, so I'm utilizing this feature to it's full effect!
But I did just have an incredibly sweet guest who I will be reviewing immediately.