Lifiting two day Friday, Saturday booking restricion only for specific upcoming "weekends".

Level 3
Visegrád, Hungary

Lifiting two day Friday, Saturday booking restricion only for specific upcoming "weekends".

As I see, currently Airbnb calendar doesn't have a feature that enables hosts to lift two day Friday, Saturday booking restricion only for specific upcoming "weekends".

In order to avoid that Fridays and Saturdays would be booked separately I have two rules in place for my calendar availablity:

1. If Guests want to book a Friday, the min. stay is two days, so min. Saturday as well.
2. On Saturdays arriving is not possible, this way neither Saturday can be booked separately.

But there are some occasions when I use my guesthouse for personal use, but for example only on Friday or Saturday, so that day I block in the calendar, but then I would make avaibale the other day, but currently its only possible if I remove the upper rules for all weekends, which of course I dont want.

Extra Tip:
Also when the upcoming Friday and Saturday is not booked together, I would make them availale to be booked even separatly, so I give an extra opportunity for these days to be booked rather then missing out on it.

Anybody has the same issue?
I think it is a priority problem, Airbnb should tackle this, since on this both Airbnb and the Host is missing out on extra revenue, Guests missing out on extra reservation possibilites.
Other global platforms easily have this feature, and this can be adjusted in a flexible manner, in a way that in the calendar simply selecting the dates and adjust them simply ovverides the basic availability settings.

11 Replies 11
Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia


  1. open your calendar on your desktop pc or laptop ( I don't know how it works on a smartphone)
  2. select the desired weekend
  3. scroll down the form on the right side of the window
  4. find "rule sets" / click on the down arrow and on " add rule set"
  5. scroll to "Availability" / set check-in and check-out days or Trip length
  6. when you set what you want click " save"  and when the popup window close then click "save" again on the initial form at the right side of your window

All these settings will apply only to the dates you initially have chosen on your calendar (for example 1 weekend, or just 1 day, or more days.)





Hi @Emma-and-József0 

The above information is for multiple listings to apply.

Hosts with six or more listings have access to features that allow them to create and edit rule sets.


How the rules set work?


You have got a valid point. I agree with you.😊

I hope Airbnb looks into an extenuating feature. It is always room to improve. ✌️

Dear @Dale711 ,

Thank You for Your comment.

Alright, just for this, I have already started to look for buying 5 more houses.
So I will be able to use this feature on Airbnb. XDXDXD
(Joking ofc. :D)

All the best 😉 


Congratulations! @Emma-and-József0 

Ways to go! 👏


Dear @Branka-and-Silvia0 ,

Thank You very much for Your help, much apprecaited! 🙂

I have tried this one already, in my case the applied "rule-set" should be basically blank, since the only adjustment I want to make with it, is lifting the two day booking restiction.
I selected Friday and Saturday and I applied the created blank rule set, but on the Guest end in the calendar the days are still not available to be booked separatly, the newly applied rule set does not orverwrite the basic ones.

Thus unf. it still doesnt work for me. 
Can You give it a try on Your end with the exact way I explained it, and let me know if You could succeed? 🙂

Much appreciated,



The rules set doesn't apply to a single listing.

You may need to consider developing multiple listings to use the above feature 😊


Happy Hosting ✌️

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Emma-and-József0 Please ignore the advice from @Dale711 the use of rule sets (available in pro tools is available to hosts with one listing as well as those with multiple listings. Just switch on pro tools in your account and you will be good to go with @Branka-and-Silvia0 's advice.

@Emma-and-József0  you should find "professional hosting tools" option here


try this:



  • open your calendar on your desktop pc or laptop ( I don't know how it works on a smartphone)
  • select the desired weekend
  • scroll down the form on the right side of the window
  • find "rule sets" / click on the down arrow and on " add rule set"
  • the popup window will open
  • scroll to "Availability" / set Trip length click on "customize" and you should see this:
  • set min and max stay to 1 night





  1. when you set what you want click " save"  and when the popup window close then click "save" again on the initial form at the right side of your window

All these settings will apply only to the dates you initially have chosen on your calendar (for example 1 weekend, or just 1 day, or more days.)



Okay, finally I was able to solve it using rule-sets indeed. 🙂
Thank You for all Your support! 🙂
It is just pretty complicated to think trought all the posibbilites, like "if, then" etc. to find out the correctn combination.

(Just for the community's information:
I also figured out that I had to add a new extra basic rule in order to avoid Friday and Saturday separated booking.

(Already mentioned above:
1. If Guests want to book a Friday, the min. stay is two days, so min. Saturday as well. And the Guest booking calendar also communates well this with: "Min. 2 days" pop up message so The Guests know why it is not possible to leave on Saturday.
2. On Saturdays arriving is not possible, this way neither Saturday can be booked separately.)

New 3. Rule: Leaving is not possible on Saturday. So this way even is someone books from Thursday (no min. 2 days required rule like on Friday) They are not able to leave on Saturday etc.



Great, glad we could help 🙂 Rule sets are really useful tool