Listing feedback on properties in india , mountains.

Level 1
Mumbai, India

Listing feedback on properties in india , mountains.

Hosting in india especially for a new host feels like giving good pricing is the main way to get people and eyeballs. Can recommend if their are other alternatives to capturing an indian host. 

3 Replies 3
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Abhinav47 

thank you for asking this in the community! 😊


Let's see what other Hosts from India think about this topic: @Anoop16@Kalpana18, and @Dr-Jayanthi1


Thank you in advance everyone! 


Warm regards🌻



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Hi @Elisa Thank you for the thread. I would love to take the opportunity.

@Abhinav47Love the mountains 😍. Tweaking on the prices is never the right option. The comfort of Airbnb is to fix the price that you can justify. However do work on the amenities. Listen to the guests and their reviews. Let the description mention the availability of the missing amenities that have been raised by previous guests. I am sure all potential guests read through your reviews and decide. Hence make the effort to bring them in your listing description so that guests do not have the questions hanging over. Make more pictures of your access or parking and explain the pain points before hand, or ensure that help will be available on prior request or notification. Work personally with a few guests, ensure hospitality is a priority (with your staff as well), positive reviews are the magic with business at Airbnb.

Happy hosting.  

Top Contributor
Buckeye, AZ


Reading your reviews price isn't your issue.  The few beginner hiccups many have for cleaning or minor issues.

What  is negatively effecting you is minor challenges accessing and parking.  You are actually shooting  yourself in the foot not just identifying and lowering your price to the point that you are attracting Guests who shouldn't rent your property.

Identify who is your proper market based on your area.  Determine the average price of similar listings.  Review their descriptions maybe you have something you didn't mention and you should.

Since it has been complained about more than once speak about parking and the access way.  Take clear pictures of the stairs and caption entry.  Not everyone will have issues the irritation seemed more because surprised.  Nobody likes a negative surprise