Hi Adam1846,
This seems to be a reoccurring theme for multiple hosts. I have no idea what behind the searching. I get emails from AirBnB for McHenry and it shows me places 40 plus minutes away and not 1 McHenry listing. I personally think it is a glitch.
First: Delete the app and sign back in has helped for me. I think it sort of resets things
Second: when you search do you go incognito mode?
Third: Call AirBnB support and ask them. I feel the power of many hosts complaining about the same thing might entice AirBnB and the IT department to fix these types of glitches.
The best of luck. I also noted that since the winter update my AirBnB app has been glitching a lot for me. I just do as above and then back to normal but then a few days later back to square one with glitches. Repeat as necessary.