
Level 2
Athens, Greece


Γειά σε όλους...έχω μια ερώτηση βρε παιδιά... το ημερολόγιο στον επισκέπτη δείχνει σήμερα κλειστή ημερομηνία αλλά όμως είναι ανοιχτή στο δικό μου...και το σωστό είναι στο δικό μου ημερολόγιο...σας έχει ξανατυχει?


Hello everyone...I have a question guys...the guest calendar shows today as a closed date but it is open on mine...and the correct one is on my calendar...has this happened to you before?


Google translation added by OCM

2 Replies 2
Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Olga618! How are you?

Did you manage to get your question resolved by reaching out to Airbnb Customer Support by any chance? Do keep us posted, if you still need any help with this one!




Please follow the Community Guidelines


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