Listings That are Always Discounted

Level 2
Vancouver, Canada

Listings That are Always Discounted

When you go into pricing and set discounts such as early bird or duration based, when you click that listing, the cost breakdown in the "Reserve" menu always shows a line item for that discount like "Long stay discount               -$40 CAD" or something like that. 


I see some listings that are always discounted so on the search page their price has a line through it, but in the cost breakdown, there isn't a line that says "X Discount" and a negative cost. How are they able to do this?





1 Reply 1
Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hi @John7380, Welcome to the Community Center,


I am reaching out to some of our amazing Hosts to see if they are familiar with the situation you described and to see if they have any suggestions. @Joan2709 @Nur785 @Pat271 




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