Listings not showing up

Level 2
Alpharetta, GA

Listings not showing up

Hello, I have three listings in Airbnb  called for the last seven days reporting that neither of my listings are searchable ;  I talked to more than 19 service representatives, all of them indicating that they have placed my ticket support in "high priority" and the respective area will call me ASAP (in less than 48 hours)... Have you experienced the same pain ??  I am desperate as those houses are sources of revenue,... what other options, we have for scaling up issues such as that ?   My listing :

Any help is appreciated!

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


I can see you have 3 listings showing up on your homepage,  but none of them is in the search system, as the direct search link shows:

Also the listings itself can not be accessed by their direct links.

It useally means Airbnb has deactivated them for some reason.

Airbnb CS is has as always not a clue what's going on....


Thanks Emiel1 and this is exactly the issue. I have called for the last seven days straight and talked to more than 20 customer service representatives.  It is amazing!! 

I was wondering if this is a common issue or it is just bad luck.