Missing listing - Paris

Level 1
Paris, France

Missing listing - Paris



We, like many, have a Paris listing gearing up for the Olympics. We have been hosting for 6 months now with no problems and good reviews and many enquiries. 


Recently, the enquiries have dried up, and when we look, our property does not appear on a search in our area. Only by manipulating quite a few filters to exclude others will it appear. Essentially it has disappreared.


We appreciate there is an algorithm and we may not be highest, but there are many stories around with hosts dropping prices dramatically through lack of interest, and we are wondering whether there is now something built into the algorithm to exclude those wishing to benefit from their property. 


There are many examples of stories like ours, and it suddenly being openly listed, and now practically hidden feels unusual.


Thanks alot for any similar feedback. Or ways to resolve.

3 Replies 3

Hi @Kelly2317 .

I saw your offer, it is available and visible. Consider the pricing level with your co-host. Similar places for 4 people for July 28 - August 4 can be found for 1/4 of your price. Maybe this is the reason for the worse position in the search?

Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Hi @Kelly2317 

I agree with @Marcin65 that price is possibly a major factor - the search favours value for money. However, nothing prevents you from keeping your price high for now to see if you get booked (it sounds as if you managed to get bookings before in the same price range). It is possible that there are many extra listings becoming available from new hosts hoping to cash in on the Olympics (that were not on Airbnb before), which could be the reason for your lower number of enquiries.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Kelly2317 , thanks for sharing your concerns with other Hosts. Did you get a chance to consider helpful advice from @Shelley159 and @Marcin65 ? How do you think about it? Which are the specific filters you're using to search for your listing?


I wanted to share an interesting post shared by Host @Mario2880 about Airbnb Algorithm and Maximizing Listing's Potential . 

Not quite sure if you had already seen these articles, but thought of sharing them just in case they are of some help 🌻


👉 How search results work 

👉 Tips for improving ranking in search results.  


👉 Confirm that guests can find your listing 




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