They both did a simulation and searched all homes in SF and ...
They both did a simulation and searched all homes in SF and could not locate it only when I gave them the address they were a...
I had a bad airbnb customer. I left a review and asked for extra cleaning money. I was told there was a complaint but they will not let me know what the problem is so I can fix it. I'm suspended and no one will tell me what the saftey issue is. I can't get any new business but I am still hosting prior bookings. I should be told what the issue is so I can fix it. Where is the logic. I am happy to fix or address the concern of the guest. I can't if I don't know what the problem is. I am a superhost and have worked hard to keep my home clean and safe. HELP!!!!!
@Catherine-Powell Another week and another Superhost cancellation. I suspect @Mary-Ann98 has done nothing wrong but if she has the refusal to tell her what she has done wrong is truly laughable. Except it isn't a joke as she is losing business.
Will this suspend first ask questions later ever end?
I have been waiting to hear what the problem is and do not know who I can talk to. I don't need to know who complained just so i can fix it if necessary. HELP
Hello @Mary-Ann98 @Mike-And-Jane0 ,
I will escalate this issue from my side and check if I can get any answers.
Hello @Mary-Ann98 , is there any update on this? Did your account get restored?
The host has (28) 5* reviews and now suspended and has no clue why. This is the type of event that gets everyone nowadays nervous about Airbnb. Today's host does face irrational behavior from guests a lot more often, requiring less knee-jerk reactions on Airbnb's part. I wonder how many reviews and of a 5-star level the complainer has?
sad to hear stories like this, few times this Airbnb 'culture of secrecy' is causing victims along the way. Any guest could complain about anything sensitive 'cameras, kids, pets etc' and automatically Politburo algorithm wraps into 3 more secretive layers.
Mary Ann, here is what you can do:
* Go to this address:
* under latest post - a guy gushing with happiness 'here is how Airbnb is supposed to be' [he loved his Hosts, treating him like a family] write down:
'I'm one of these HOSTS, who keep a clean/ safe home & treat my guests so well - CAN ANYONE TELL ME WHY AM I SUSPENDED & now depriving my future Guests 'of future family experiences'
Then wait... Usually this accelerates things a little, the equivalent of old fashioned neighbourhood naming and shaming; you would be throwing pebbles at a 3rd floor window - shouting at the guy: YOU OWE ME MONEY. Now, will he 'give your money back' that we dont know, but he is 'he is gonna come out and speak to you' G. luck.
Hello @Mary-Ann98 ,
I just wanted to come back to you as I received an update that your account would have been restored by now. I hope your issue has been resolved.
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