My listing(s) are difficult for folks to find on-line.

Level 2
Chico, CA

My listing(s) are difficult for folks to find on-line.

If I move the map to the area where mine are (more rural, 5 minutes out of town), they show up, but folks often don't move the map.

Am Super Host and book 2 bedrooms separately. 

I had 23 bookings this month - July - almost all were last minute bookings. Many are repeat guests.

I don't have any bookings for August.

A guest (repeat) said he couldn't find my listings. We worked this out, but potential new guests might not. 

What can I do to make my Airbnb spaces show up more when folks do searches online?


1 Reply 1
Level 10
McHenry, IL

@Sally550 Use you custom link & push on your social media accounts. It worked for me. 
plus I made cards with my link & QR code. 
I brought them to appropriate businesses

to hand out when people are looking for lodging nearby.