Need help on Basic sittings

Need help on Basic sittings

Hi I need some help to edit  information of my amenities. I can’t seem to find it. I had a customer asked me questions about amenities stating that Mann showing no amenities not water, but I do offer all that so I need to fix it within the app. Please help.

5 Replies 5
Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa


Go to the listings tab and click the listing

Scroll to amenities and click. Click Edit in the top right corner.

Thanks @Shelley159 but in amenities I don’t see where it ask about if I offer hot water  I had a client ask if the shower going to be hot water as they see in my info I have not got water but I do. 😞 and they also ask if I offer towels and toilet paper they say they see me not offer it but I do. ? 

@Bronwyn-Florence0 sometimes to change the amenities you have to go into each room and do it there.

Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Hi @Bronwyn-Florence0 

I'm not sure if this answers your question, but next to the Edit button in the top right corner there is a plus sign. You can click it to select additional amenities.

Top Contributor
Cannes, France

Hello @Bronwyn-Florence0 


Now that you're listed you'll see new possibilities to enter information about your place because at the moment there isn't a lot of information for guests.  Try using a computer rather than the app - I find it a lot easier to add information this way

Are you offering an entire place because although your listing indicates two bedrooms with a capacity of 4 people, it says in the description that it's a room!