New listing - Not showing up in search


New listing - Not showing up in search

Hi all!  I am new to hosting and I finished my listing yesterday (about 24 hours ago).  I can see my listing when I'm signed in as myself but I cannot when I go incognito or without being signed in.  My sister cannot find the listing either - even when she zooms in on the very specific area that would only have 1-2 units.


Does anyone have suggestions?  I did do instant book since I saw that might part of the reason.  All help is appreciated!!!!!

Top Answer
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


The keyword is : patience

The link i sent you still does not give a result, so please wait....

If after another 12 hours still no result, something is wrong.

View Top Answer in original post

17 Replies 17
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


Your listing i not yet in the search system, you need to wait until this link shows a result:

Thank you.  Do you know what could cause the delay?  Did I do something wrong?  Is there something else I need to do to get it to show in the search system? 

Level 10
New York, NY

@Talia1108  It's there now.

Thanks!  What am I doing wrong then?  When I do a search for "Sherman Oaks" with no filters and zoom into my direct area, my listing does not show up. (A few others do though.) I appreciate your help!  I'll get the hang of this eventually.  🙂

Level 2
Virginia, United States

Can't find my listing as well.  Also, both the app and website browser for airbnb seems to be 'off'.  I can't seem to get the per night charge's almost like it changes all by itself and comes up with wacky per night totals by itself. 

Also, when I try to sign in or even do a simple search it says 'something went wrong try back later''s been like that for days

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


Your listing is not in the search system (yet)

If you  published it within last 24 hours, you need to wait until this link gives a result:

It came up on the search that @Emiel1  sent out!  Thanks community!  


@Candice174  - I'm a total novice also but you might have smart pricing on?  That would change the price automatically.

Yeah, I ensured I turned that off.  I don't like it.  Thank you!!

Meaning, yes, I know about the smart pricing.  It is not activated and it is still wacky...

Ohh snap!  That link only worked because I was logged in.  When did it on an incognito browser and it didn't show up again. 

Why can I only see it when i'm logged in?  What am I doing wrong?  Who do I contact?


@Candice174  - I hear ya!  I don't understand 95% of what goes on.  



Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


The keyword is : patience

The link i sent you still does not give a result, so please wait....

If after another 12 hours still no result, something is wrong.

 I have the same problem.  I created my listing on 26 July (yesterday).  I can send a link to friends and they can get to it but when searching as though I were a potential guest, it does not appear.


Level 2
Atlanta, GA

Hi everyone I’m Kesh and just recently posted a listing in ATLANTA, GA yesterday and am not able to see my listing. Also Airbnb keeps asking me to “finalize my availability and settings before guest book my place” I have already did that step. Am I doing something wrong? 02260D30-2405-48B8-B11F-CFCB2842BC94.png