What Hosts are saying

    Hi everyone, Welcome to the "Ask about your listing" board – I hope you’ve been finding lots of useful information, insights and advice from our community. One of the amazing things about this space is that those starting out on their Hosting journey c... Latest reply by Toby181
    When creating a listing, the only option pertaining to Wifi amongst the amenities is "available throughout the listing" This is potentially very misleading, most homes don't have 100% Wifi coverage throughout and there are inevitably areas where Wifi is ... Latest reply by Alex1485
    Hi Everyone, I am a new host to Air BnB and would love some critique and insight on views per month , i understand it varies) but hoping to get some perspective. I am in my 3rd month and i have 330 views in the last 30 days and wonder if that is below or ... Latest reply by Rebecca
    I have called Airbnb associates and continue to receive different answers. Hopefully the community can clarify my dilemma. During the winter months December through March, I am debating allowing guest to stay 2 nights as this is becoming a normal practic... Latest reply by Lorina14
    Hi there, I am appauled that the listing I am co-host for is suddenly being removed from airbnb, after 1 3-star and 1 1-star review. We made so much effort during the former's stay to make their stay better (they did not like the wind in this area) - and ... Latest reply by Bhumika