New listing


New listing



i already done a new listing about a week ago and my listing doesn’t appear on the map

can someone help me?


thank you

1 Best Answer
Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Hi @Xhina2 

Your listing looks live to me. You can go to the map and zoom very close in the area near your address. It should be somewhere near the actual address, maybe not in the exact place. Hope it helps!

View Best Answer in original post

2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Hi @Xhina2 

Your listing looks live to me. You can go to the map and zoom very close in the area near your address. It should be somewhere near the actual address, maybe not in the exact place. Hope it helps!

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Xhina2, echoing Shelley's comment - I also wanted to confirm that your listing is live 😀🎉



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