New listing

Level 2
Houston, TX

New listing


I am Ashley and I am new to hosting. I did make another discussion on if there was anything I should change about my listing to bring more guest and views. I took suggestions and adjusted what was suggested. Now I want to know if there is any algorithm that Airbnb goes by to push out my listing more? Or any tips as far as having my listing come up more for guest when searching? 

thank you! 

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Rawai, Thailand

There is many You tube video's you can watch about Airbnb maybe do a bit of research yourself, 

Level 10
Hay Valley, Australia

@Ashley1441  all new hosts get a boost for the first few weeks (i don't think anyone knows more than that). If you are asking someone to share the "secret sauce" of the algo, you might find not many will respond, apart from vague things. It takes a LOT of research to try to crack an algorithm. I did it once at another place where I earn money, and then within 3 months they changed it anyway. you're better off focusing on being an exceptional host and getting good reviews and more bookings. 

* supposedly using IB gives you a boost

* most of don't believe being a superhost or have a 5* rating gives you a boost
* possibly being booked all the time does boost your listing

other things that i've learned from these forums and youtube (and i also recommend you do lots of reading/listening) is to make sure you have good descriptions on your pics, great photos, and a good description that is accurate. 

Thank you!