
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

New security camera policy is unreasonable

Level 9
Boston, MA

New security camera policy is unreasonable

I presume all hosts received an email from Airbnb about security cameras, in which it says, "You’re not allowed to have cameras that monitor indoor spaces." That is completely unfair. The basic Abode security system that I have has a motion sensor with a camera that takes a snapshot if the sensor is triggered when the alarm is on, to get a picture of who or what is moving in the hallway. I disclose this in my listing, and I have a small curtain that guests can pull to cover the camera if they are concerned about privacy. Airbnb is essentially forcing me to get a different security system. How are other hosts dealing with this?

244 Replies 244
Level 5
Gulf Breeze, FL

If it's disclosed that you have cameras in the common areas, I don't see what the problem is. The guest can choose whether or not to book if they are uncomfortable. This is my home! I don't watch the cameras but I have recordings if something goes wrong. I'm MAD! I'm going to check other platforms to see what their policies are. 

I agree with's another post inside this 'community' about this

I totally agree with you!!! Very BAD move from Airbnb!!

I agree With you!!!!

Level 3
Chaudfontaine, Belgium

I'm trying to figure out the same. We have an indoor security camera, not fixed to anything, that the guests are instructed to unplug as soon as they enter the apartment. We use it to check that everything is OK while the apartment is empty. They can even unplug the camera and store it in a drawer if they think that the camera works on battery (which is not the case).


This policy does not make any sense. I'm trying to clarify with Airbnb how to deal with this. Because indeed the guests can (and are instructed to) remove the camera.

If the guests can remove the camera, why not have housekeeping remove it prior to arrival and then reinstall when there is a significant gap between bookings? I would presume Airpolice will suggest the same.

Well, sometimes housekeeping happens days before the guests arrive. This is not a rental apartment, it's our apartment that we rent when we are not there.


I contacted Airbnb support and they said I need to fully remove the camera. So unless they rollback or revise this policy by April, I will have to de-list our apartment and move towards other platforms that do not have this nonsense of policy that don't contribute to guests privacy but rather make it less secure for hosts that rely on self check-in.


And given this discussion, it seems that I am not the only one.

What other platforms are you considering? I rent out my 2 guest rooms. and I live in the master..I'm thinking of offering the current guests a mid-term renewable 90 day lease and then just looking up on tik toc what platform to keep track of my mid term renters. I just can't do the short term stuff. I prefer to rent out the rooms not the whole house. It pays the mortg and provides me grocery money....also keeps me away from a 9-5 job so i can spend more time living my life and not slowly dying at regular job. These cameras I have in the kitchen and living room help prove me right when a guest has been difficult (only 3 difficult people in 4 years) thank God.

I read you and it seems like you described my exact same life! Lol
Airbnb is sooo wrong treating us like that in our OWN house! 
Lets start a convesation about what would be the next  platform ...

Airbnb does not have a right to dictate to homeowners to remove cameras from their homes. They are treading into litigious potential class action territory. 
You should check your laws in Texas.
In Pennsylvania, 
security camera laws typically permit homeowners and businesses to employ surveillance cameras for legitimate purposes, such as reasonable suspicion or property protection. Such uses are generally not considered intrusive to individuals' privacy and are of reasonable expectation of privacy.


Try listing on Houfy. A direct booking platform. 

No, you are not the only one ... Real bad move from Airbnb! 
I am considering living Airbnb now. So I am investing Vrbo, Booking, FlipKey etc...
Let us know what is your next move, and a lot of us might follow.
We can even start a conversation 
thread like: Bye bye Airbnb! 

Hi Federico,


No, you are not alone. The policy is so non sense that a guest can travel with a portable camera in their luggage, place it into your apartment take a picture of it and claim a full refund.


I believe Airbnb has gone too far putting in the same bucket dishonest hosts that hide 24/7 recoding cameras in their properties with legit theft prevention or anti intrusion cameras that are in plain sight and can be physically removed or obscured by a guest, if they are correctly told where the camera is and how to do that.

because there can be time elapse between cleaning and guest arrival