No Payout

Level 1
Fort McMurray, Canada

No Payout

I am currently waiting over 2 weeks with Airbnb on 2 seperate payouts totalling almost $3000.  I have another guest checking in in 2 days and I am terrified this will happen again as I am sure you all understand there are expenses with a rental property and now I can't pay them.

Airbnb has admitted it's their glitch and that they've "escalated my case to their engineering team but cannot give me a timeline to when my payout will arrive",  like they are all reading from a script.  It's literally the worst customer service I have ever received.  And at this point, it's theft.  They have their portion of the money, I do not.  My guests booked with the intention of the money coming to me.  I had my payout set up with paypal and I have confirmed on multiple occasions with paypal that my account is validated and there are no blocks or holds so there is no reason airbnb can't send my money.  This is absolutely ridiculous that a multi million dollar company can't figure this out!  And to send me my money in the mean time.  I'm at a loss of what to do here.

2 Replies 2
Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Kerri-Ann3 , I'm so sorry to hear of your issue with payments. From your post it seems like it could be a technical bug. Have you heard back from the Support team since you posted?


Recently, there was a similar case where one of our experienced Host member @Helen3 advised the Host to change their payout method until the issue was sorted. Have you considered changing your payout method for future bookings?





Please follow the Community Guidelines

Level 4
London, United Kingdom

I am surprised by this. 


Airbnb always pay out the whole guest amount ONE DAY after they check in. 

It's one of the great things about Airbnb - would pay out after the end of the month, i.e. with a massive delay. 

Maybe it varies by country, but I am very satisfied with their speed of payout.