Day 5 now without any response or explanation from Airbnb as...
Day 5 now without any response or explanation from Airbnb as to why my account is suspended. I had a guest who had multiple b...
Can someone please help me understand how this is productive?
I had a booking for Friday night.
Thursday night, I woke up in the middle of the night and my water had been disconnected. So, I immediately called Airbnb to let them know and they charged me the $100 fee.
I don't understand how being in the hole with Airbnb is going to be helpful when I have to pay the city over$800 to have running water in my home again.
I feel like it is counter intuitive and I really wish Airbnb was more on my side and maybe a bit more compassionate considering I've been making them look good thus far.
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Why was the supply cut? If you can provide documentation that demonstrates the matter was out of your control, I would try ‘extenuating circumstances’ for reason you could not honour the booking. If it was maintenance issue or something under your control, then unfortunately you will have to take the hit. Last minute cancellations by hosts are a nightmare from a guests’ perspective & one of the main complaints Airbnb receive. Hence the reason they carry heavy penalties.
Why was the supply cut? If you can provide documentation that demonstrates the matter was out of your control, I would try ‘extenuating circumstances’ for reason you could not honour the booking. If it was maintenance issue or something under your control, then unfortunately you will have to take the hit. Last minute cancellations by hosts are a nightmare from a guests’ perspective & one of the main complaints Airbnb receive. Hence the reason they carry heavy penalties.
@Amber247 if your water was shut off because you didn't pay your bill then that would be pretty irresponsible on your part, and Airbnb is justified to charge you for canceling your booking.
So if truth be told, without going into great personal detail, the water was turned off due to non payment, yes. My husband is recently incarcerated (15yrs) and I have a 4 year old son, a mortgage etc that was thrown on my shoulders over night. Husband owned a business, spent every single dollar we had-the whole 9 yards. So I'm just truthfully doing the best in can. The bill is not in my name. So I'll have to somehow figure out how to go about that since it's $864.
I came to this community for support not criticism. I'm doubt the absolute best I can.
@Amber247 when you posted your question, nobody had a way of knowing your circumstances. What happened to you is terrible and I am truly sorry. But if you want to run an Airbnb you have to take responsibility and have the water service put in your name. If it was in your husband's name-which I am assuming, it shouldn't be a problem. Best of luck to you!
How would an outstanding bill that is not in my name NOT be out of my control? And adding $100 isn't helping anything at all.
@Amber247 but it is for the place you are renting right? So it is your responsibility. With taking the money from the rentals comes the responsibility of maintaining the place ready for renting and water is the most basic thing. Im not trying to be harsh I know you have other things going on too but I feel Airbnb is right on this one. But you can still try to contact them again, maybe some rep will agree with you.
No it is my home that my husband and I own. The water is in his name and apparently he hadn't been paying it. He went "away" and unbeknownst to me the city is owed over $800. I understand what you're saying. And believe me, I'm not exactly thrilled that not only are my 4 year old and I without running water, I missed out on a reservation, and I've been charged $100.
It's just unfortunate any way you look at it.
@Amber247 Did you explain the situation to airbnb and ask them for an extenuating circumstances penalty free cancellation? Did they give you a reason why they wouldn't do the cancellation w/out the penalty?
Hey Mark,
No I didn't. It was close to 5am when I called to let them know what was going on. Half asleep, in thought i was doing the right thing. I'll try contacting them and see what happens. Thank you
@Amber247 I understand your circumstances, sounds like a very difficult place to be in. But it is your responsibility to make sure that all is functioning properly if you are going to list a place for guests.
There's a lot wrong with the way Airbnb deals with hosts, and I happen to think the $100 fine is appallingly punitive across the board, since they already block your calendar for a cancellation, paste the fact that you cancelled on your review page, and either strip Superhost status for a year or it makes you ineligible to acheive it for a year. That seems like enough punishment without Airbnb making a money grab.
But in this case, Airbnb can't be making individual exceptions for hosts just because they may have problems in their personal lives. You could contact them and plead your case re the $100 fine, maybe you'll get a sympathetic rep.
Hi @Amber247.
So sorry that life has brought on some bitter lemons during this bad patch. But it will get better...
Like the other hosts have stated, @Sarah977, @Ann489 , @Mark116 & @Ana1136... we are bound by the policies and procedures set by Airbnb, and we do have responsibilities. In my case, some home accounts are in single names and some joint names, but we are both aware what is going on. You unfortunately, are now negatively aware that this is important. If not already sorted, please be sure you have your own bank account etc. and set up any payments under this account for personal control. If not yet considered, create the financial independence you need, so also consider seeking some financial advice from good people around you. Advise is just that, like mine, you don’t have to take it...
Most importantly, if not already done so, CHANGE all your passwords and access pins and codes on financial and personal identity information.
If I was you, I would contact Airbnb and throw yourself at their mercy, regarding the $100 penalty fee. You have nothing to lose. Maybe show them documented evidence of the water account being in your husband’s name, and the account name being transferred across to you, due to his incarceration.
I hope you can get the water switched back on soon, and that maybe the city can consider your particular circumstances as the account was not in your name. Maybe a change of name may need something from the conviction court, or your husband to change the account over, for added weight with Airbnb and the city. It can’t hurt.
Consider chatting and negotiating with the city for an upfront payment to get the water back on, and possibly an arranged instalment for your husband’s, remaining outstanding monies. Maybe if he receives an allowance in jail, some could go to the overdue payment. Consequences..
I am sending positive vibes your way, and wish you and your son well. Your reviews show you to be a thoughtful and caring host, so with the strength within, and your goodness, you will get there...
Lateral thinking might be needed to produce lemonade.
Thank you, I really appreciate the kind words, encouragement and advice.