Penalty of cancelation to guest in 48 hrs or lest

Penalty of cancelation to guest in 48 hrs or lest

Saludos: Tengo una duda. La villa que alquilo es un timeshare en el que soy dueña. Cuando me hacen una reservacion por Airbnb, yo reservo los dias en el timeshare, sin embargo si me cancelan la reservacion a mi me dan una penalizacion por cancelar el timeshare dependiendo la fecha, este puede ser desde $100 a $200. como puedo hacer para aplicar este costo al huespede si me cancela en menos de 48 hrs?


Greetings: I have a question. The villa I rent is a timeshare that I own. When they make me a reservation by Airbnb, I reserve the days in the timeshare, however if they cancel the reservation to me they give me a penalty for canceling the timeshare depending on the date, this can be from $ 100 to $ 200. How can I apply this cost to the guest if I cancel in  48 hrs?

1 Reply 1
Level 10
London, United Kingdom



Do you mean how can you apply the cost to the guest if they cancel within the 48 hour grace period?


If so, I am afraid you can't. When someone books on Airbnb, they are only liable for the cancellation penalties as per the Airbnb cancellation policy. You cannot override that and charge them due to the conditions of the timeshare.