Photo Tour optional? Please!

Top Contributor
Willits, CA

Photo Tour optional? Please!


Photo Tour Optional? Please!


In reviewing my listing, I've noted that my photos have been arranged into a photo tour which misrepresents my spaces with inaccurate labels. In order to make it accurate, I'd need to remove a number of the photos. For example, it says that our private living room is shared,  it is where we live and work, read and nap. The guest space is their private living space. I'd hate to have a guest mislead by this label, disappointed, etc, and be negatively surprised. 

Under the former system,  I'd controlled the photo story, with my own labels to explain the narrative tour. 

How can I get this to revert to the previous format? 

Thank you!


Top Answer

Hi @Joelle43 

Thank you for the good news! I did not do much, and got somewhat bogged down while trying. I'm thoroughly pleased to hear this from you. I think most of us would prefer to control the narrative of our listing. For me, with this unique art-to-live-in situation, it is particularly important. We love to share, and most of our guests are architecture lovers; however, we do need to have one or two boundaries...and we are keen to insure that our guests are not mislead in any way.

Thank you again for the showing up with the excellent news, you made my day!


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13 Replies 13
Top Contributor
Cannes, France

Hello @Kitty-and-Creek0 


I went onto your listing to see what the problem was but it looks like you've been able to revert back to the old way of showing your photos (all 125 of them 😉) as your photos are not shown with the new Photo Tour.  So you must be pleased😊

Hi @Joelle43 

Thank you for the good news! I did not do much, and got somewhat bogged down while trying. I'm thoroughly pleased to hear this from you. I think most of us would prefer to control the narrative of our listing. For me, with this unique art-to-live-in situation, it is particularly important. We love to share, and most of our guests are architecture lovers; however, we do need to have one or two boundaries...and we are keen to insure that our guests are not mislead in any way.

Thank you again for the showing up with the excellent news, you made my day!


It might be short lived though @Kitty-and-Creek0 because we're all supposed to have gone over to the new version end of February but there seems to be a delay.   A reprieve for some😉


All the best Kitty,




Thanks for the information - alas! Can't have everything, so we'll do our best with what is provided. 😄

I don't get it.  What version?  These threads seem to be edited.


The one with the new Photo Tour where guests are guided through the listing with pictures of the lounge, kitchen, dining room etc are displayed in the same set sequence.

If you don't know what that looks like, you can go onto my listing to see.  It was a major launch last march and hosts could opt in early, which is what I did and it was supposed to be extended to all listings but this hasn't happened for some reason.  Not everyone likes this new version it has to be said...  

Yes after MUCH time with 'support' I was able to get our listings reverted to the old format. We spend hours taking pictures, arranging pictures and putting descriptions and then keeping them updated as we constantly make upgrades and replace things. When you look at our pictures, they were already in order and the tour just messed them up!

What is the excellent news?




Thank you for providing me with "Best Answer!"

Why do you say that?  The Photo Tour is not reversible.  It is coercive.  Every property is unique.  Everyone involved with Real Estate knows this. 


@Stephen1004 your listing is not showing up with the Photo Tour but there is a technique to go back to the old version but this doesn't concern you anyway?? 

If you have the power to change the photo tour policy and set up, please do.  It is disruptive and annoying.


@Stephen1004 just to be clear, I am a humble host like you and have no power to do anything just offer advice when I can!