Hopeful for the upcoming season. Any advice on my listing, k...
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Hopeful for the upcoming season. Any advice on my listing, kindly help
Listing link : View on AirbnbHome in Harare · ★New ·...
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Please critique my listings or offer advice. Here are some listing pics:
I've been hosting for 3 months. I rent out rooms in my private home and communicate clearly that I live there. I have 3 rooms and made a listing for each one.
One room has been rented for months through Furnished Finder.
Another has gotten two 5 star reviews on ABNB.
But the only inquiry I received over the past month is some weirdo asking me to write his life story. I don't know what's going on with the AirBNB algorithm. Please take a look at my listing and let me know if you see a problem? Or offer ideas? I need help!
Thanks in advance!!
@Jennifer-Ife0 I would remove the picture of the drawer and the fireplace, but that has nothing to do with your lack of bookings.
I am usually booked solid and I am struggling this month. I have prices super low, optimized listings and still struggling to fill the dates.
There is a component that is out of your control such as less travelers and more airbnbs around you.
When you dig into your competitors, pretend you are booking to see what their rate breakdown is and to see what their calendar looks like. Make sure you only look at room rentals.
You might simply be priced too high. Test one of the rooms at a much lower price and see if it gets booked quickly. You can take off instant book if you'd rather have more control over who stays there.
Lastly, you can adjust settings. Make your cancelation policy more lenient, lower your minimum days, etc.
Hi Jennifer!
I went through all your 3 listings - rooms.
First of all, there is no way you can manipulate the algorithm, because it's more complicated now than in the earlier days. None of us can. Professional photos, 5 star reviews or wishlist additions etc. won't make much of a difference anymore. Views depend on the profile of the guests more now, so relax. Now, even for the suitable guests, you have to make it more appealing to tempt THEM, not to tempt the algorithm.
I will explain you my feelings while taking time to see the photos of all 3...
I have to be honest with you, if I were searching for a room in Mableton , (and your listings came up high on the first page so there is no problem with ranking,) I would never click on them to view them, and even if I did, I would pass them after looking at the first 4-5 photos. Photos are not appealing!
-You don't always need a professional photographer. Mobile phones take quality photos now, but if you are not familiar with deco and right angles or lighting, you'd better use one.
Although you used a professional photographer, I have to say that a lot of photos are not clear because either the artificial light indoors reflects on the surfaces so much that makes them not clear (like the double bathroom sinks), or the natural sunlight from outside (apart from the 'artistic' photo from the staircase) reflects on all surfaces (e.g. floor, furniture, walls) such as in the dining room, or the 'Klimt' painting on the wall, distorting the subjects of the photo. Despite the light, photos of the dining room are dark and not clear. A professional photographer knows how to deal with these issues, but perhaps you should take some photos at a different time of the day when the sun is at a different angle, or change into warm lights at indoor areas to reveal the true colors of every surface
-Please REMOVE the photo of the 2 drawers! They look so messy, and the second drawer looks like a deadly weapon area. Even if you have so many different knives, don't leave them all in that drawer, except the ones you use almost daily...Anyway, you don't need to show what's in the drawers. It's a kitchen, we can imagine.
-You have used this monochrome dark grey/dark brown colors...they make the whole place look shady, dark, boring & dull, even gloomy. Nothing stands out! You can try adding some contrast with accessories or even different pieces of furniture with brighter colors.
-You can add more green in the rooms! The place is so spacy, it's ideal for this. There are so many suitable indoor plants to choose, they make the place look so much warmer and cozy!
-The fireplace, which is such a lovely addition, seems lifeless and miserable! You don't need to have a photo with it lit up with a cozy fire, but you should definitely add some decorations, perhaps some deco candles of different height, width and color. Use colors in accessories! They will make the place look so cheerful....(pull away the wire hanging on the side of the fireplace, by the way).
-You can add some touch of entertainment (apart from the TV) to show that the place is actually LIVED by people (e.g. add some books somewhere in the living room), create some interest to the guest.
-I know it could be local art or a private piece of art, but you can replace the woven painting on top of the sofa with another painting of some contrast. It may be a private piece but adding to the rest of the colors in the room it makes it look even more boring and old.
Finally, I checked other similar places in your area. Despite their photos are not all so good, they look so much more cheerful and pleasant to live in. Your prices are way too reasonable and I think they affect the views in a positive way.
So sorry for such a long reply! I have a thing with the feelings that spaces create to people. It's such a big thing, trust me!
I believe it's simple to make such changes and that it will work. Just to mention, things in short term rentals are not how they used to be and they're getting more difficult day by day, so we need to be alert and do research all the time. It takes time and work.
Hope I helped and wish you all the best!
Hi @Xanthi3
I think you perhaps looked at @Jennifer-Ife0 's listings and then did a search for them. They will then appear on page 1 because the bot thinks you're interested. If you re-do the search in private mode (not logged in) you see where they really rank on your search criteria.
Hi! I searched incognito for rooms in Mableton. There's only 6 of them in the results anyway! So for someone who looks for any place in general in Mableton, it might not come up on the first page on the results. If guests use the filters there's no problem. You can't expect this to be on the first page just like that. It refers to certain types of guests, the ones who are looking for a room in a shared house!
Hi @Xanthi3
I get over 1 000 just for rooms, but some of the rooms are (as Airbnb always seems to include in a broad search) actually nearby. I think you're searching more specifically than me, but I agree with you in both cases the result is good for @Jennifer-Ife0 ! One listing is 6th on the page if you filter for rooms.
The strange thing for me is just that it shows the photo that I recognise from the post, but if you click @Jennifer-Ife0's profile the cover photos are different. In any case, good ranking on Rooms!
@Jennifer-Ife0 complimenti gran bella casa,bell arredamento e belle foto.Credo che l'unica cosa che puoi provare è abbassare un po' il prezzo,probabilmente quello che scoraggia i clienti e di abitare in una casa condivisa(forse),poi naturalmente è da valutare che tipo di movimento turistico c'è in quella zona
congratulations great house,nice decor and beautiful photos.I think the only thing you can try is to lower the price a bit,probably what discourages customers and to live in a shared house(maybe),then of course it is to assess what kind of tourist movement there is in that area
Translation added by Community Manager