Pool location for home in Florida?


Pool location for home in Florida?



I was wondering if there are any rules or guidelines on where a pool is located for a single family home (entire place). Specifically if the pool has to be a certain distnace from the home? If a section of the pool is only 1-2 feet from the pool edge is that ok? Thanks!

1 Best Answer
Top Contributor
Willits, CA


That excellent question is most appropriately addressed by your local planning and zoning department. Each municipality has their regulations on this, and what sort of things like safety fencing, etc, are required for public safety.

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1 Reply 1
Top Contributor
Willits, CA


That excellent question is most appropriately addressed by your local planning and zoning department. Each municipality has their regulations on this, and what sort of things like safety fencing, etc, are required for public safety.