Hi dear Airbnb hosts,
I saw that: "Pre-booking message requirement is no longer in Instant Book settings".
I would like to point out that remove to pre-booking message in Instant Book is a wrong decision.
This is very important point especially for the shared rooms.
Of course, it is the guests' RESPONSIBILITY to know the room type. Although it is not our responsibility, as the host, we clearly stated the room type both in the title and in the listing description (even in the house rules section, in many places in our advert). In addition to, in my prebooking message I prepared, I underlined that the room was a shared room.
Because (I experienced many times) some guests only consider the price and book the bed (as we all know well shared rooms are cheaper) but no read the room type or listing description. Then they say "I didn't know this was a shared room" and create many problems. That is why in my prebooking message, I underlined that the room was a shared room. But pre-booking message requirement is no longer in Instant Book settings.
As the host, I want to make sure the guest reads/knows the room type. Because unfortunately many of guests do not read listing description.
Pre-booking message requirement must be in Instant Book settings.
I would be happy to hear your experience, opinions/thoughts!