Ratings when have 2 listings for same address

Level 1
Lumbin, France

Ratings when have 2 listings for same address

We have 2 (in fact 3) listings for our house - 1 for the whole house during the summer which gets 5* every time. We also rent out the studio at the bottom of the house which gets 4-5* ratings.

The problem is that our overall rating for the house and the studio are calculated together and so when people look at our lodging they see 4.6* and the comments about the studio and the house.

How can I separate both listings so that they show the rating and comments only for that lodging and not for both together?

Top Answer
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Steve-Et-Nathalie0 I am not sure this is correct. Each listing has its own rating and then you, as a host for all the listings will have an overall rating. This latter rating determines whether or not you achieve Superhost.

The only way of stopping people seeing all the reviews (when they look at your profile) would be to have one account for each of you.

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1 Reply 1
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Steve-Et-Nathalie0 I am not sure this is correct. Each listing has its own rating and then you, as a host for all the listings will have an overall rating. This latter rating determines whether or not you achieve Superhost.

The only way of stopping people seeing all the reviews (when they look at your profile) would be to have one account for each of you.