Search results

Level 2
Lagos, Portugal

Search results

When looking for places to stay, why Airbnb search results don´t include:


- Sort by price (ascending /descending);


- Sort by overall quality rating (ascending /descending);


I think it would benefit who is more price competitive, and who has better ratings.


Am I the only one to have this opinion?...


Thank you!

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Paris, France

Hi @Maria-and-Family0 

Welcome to the community 😊

You might need to use the Airbnb filers for better search results.


How do I use search filters?


Filters symbol, right top pageFilters symbol, right top pagePrice range filtersPrice range filtersSuper host listingsSuper host listings



Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Maria-and-Family0 I don't think Airbnb will do this as they would lose control as to which listings appear first in the searches. They like to have power over their hosts so that they can force Instant Book etc. on them.