Seasonal minimum stays

Level 2
Granbury, TX

Seasonal minimum stays

How do I set my calendar to weekly bookings during the summer season?

2 Replies 2
Level 10
England, United Kingdom

@Avoniteila0 go to your account and switch on pro tools. Then apply  a ruleset in your calendar to force week long stays in high season. You can also force which day of the week to change over if you want.

Hi @Avoniteila0 


To set your Airbnb calendar to accept only weekly bookings during the summer season, you'll need to adjust your booking settings and availability settings in your Airbnb dashboard. 



  • Go to Booking Settings:  Find the "Booking settings" or similar section. This can typically be found under 'Pricing and availability' or directly in the listing's menu.


  • Set Minimum and Maximum Night Stays: Within the booking settings, look for an option to set the minimum and maximum nights. Here, you can set both to 7 nights, which effectively creates a weekly booking requirement.


To make this change specific to the summer season:


  • Go to your calendar in the listing.
  • Select the date range for the summer months you are targeting.
  • After selecting the date range, you should see an option to edit the settings for that specific period.
  • Set the minimum and maximum stays to 7 nights for this range.

By following these steps, your listing will only accept bookings that run weekly during the summer, which can simplify your scheduling and potentially attract guests looking for longer vacation stays.


I hope this helps!


All the best,

Upfish Management