Should I turn my rentals in Airbnb rentals?

Level 1
McKinnon, WY

Should I turn my rentals in Airbnb rentals?

I have two rental houses in a small town in Wyoming. Currently there are very few Airbnb rentals in my community so I would be one of only a few. My area does get tourists and out of town workers but it’s not considered a huge tourist destination. Do you think it would be worth it? I was charging $900 a month for one house and $650 for the other. Both are in excellent condition but in an older neighborhood. Thanks for any insight you can give!!

1 Reply 1
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

HI @Andria153 .  A short term rental has start up costs that you should consider, i.e., full furnishings and linens, and kitchen equipment, bathroom necessities, all utilities paid, etc.  Also, some cities have occupancy tax to pay if the guest is less than 30 days.  Also, home insurance is different with short term rentals than long term rentals.    After all that is sorted out, is there enough of a tourist season in your area with high enough volume of travelers for you to make up for the loss of income in off season time.  Perhaps you can have one short term rental and continue one long term rental as a way to learn the ropes.  Lot to cosider, right?