An owner wants to add me on as a cohost. I do not currently ...
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An owner wants to add me on as a cohost. I do not currently own my own listing. Can I cohost for an owner without having a li...
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Hello, we have bought a flat couple years ago. My parents have handled it on their account, they were the hosts and had full control of the listing. I did some cleaning and helped welcome some guests but it was their listing and they were the only hosts (no co-host)
No I have moved close to the place where the apartment is being made available to customers and I will take in charge every aspect of it. I know the reviews are attached to the host, but is there some way I could somewhat benefit from the reviews of the previous listing, since the apartment isn't gonna change, and neither much the service ?
I was thinking of adding myself as a co-host from previous listing (which will totally cease to be use but might remain for the reviews) and creating my own listing, while adding my parents as co-host on my account, perhaps referring to them in the listing ?
I gather having two listings for the same property is allowed by Airbnb, providing they are not being booked at the same time, incurring cancellation. Anyway, the former listing will probably never be used again but I would like it to remain as "reference".
Also, is it possible to benefit from sponsorship offer in this case ? My #1 priority is to start with good reputation from former reviews obviously.
Thank you for your help.
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Maybe make it a brand new listing, though identical to past one, and the new one refers to the old one to see past reviews. Mentioning it is still with the 'family' may help visitors still book the place with confidence.
Interesting question and comes up quite often. I wonder if you can start a new identical listing and refer to the original (via a link) so that visiting potential guests could see past reviews of the ex-place. Just a thought.
Yeah that is my plan. Problem with the cohost solution is that my parents will still get all the good and bad review from my work, even if i get the money.
I would like to build up my reputation while inheriting some of the previous listing.
Maybe make it a brand new listing, though identical to past one, and the new one refers to the old one to see past reviews. Mentioning it is still with the 'family' may help visitors still book the place with confidence.
Yeah was thinking to do that : adding my parents as co-host and explicitly refer to their listing.
Is it OK for Airbnb if I do so and create a duplicate listing of "their" listing ?
Is it allowed to get the sponsorship ? The conditions are pretty vague... @Fred13
@Ludovic359 Youcannot get a referral bonus if the place has previously been listed on Airbnb.
I will ask this on this coming workshop (tomorrow). A mere mention of the old listing will do the trick.
@Ludovic359 Alternatively you could add your self's as a co host, take 100% share of the money coming in and just use your parents password to operate the account. Probably against the rules though........
Why don't you just have yourself added to your parents listing as a cohost then you can manage things for them and they can set up for you to be paid whatever percentage of the fee they have agreed with you to act as their cohost @Ludovic359
@Ludovic359.from other listings i think you will have to eventually go it alone but in the meantime just add your name and profile and explain who you are and that you are now the host. If you are afraid that you will lose or not gain bookings then you should realise that duplicating the listing without your parents but adding yourself as the host immediately will lose your reviews but will give you an algotiyhmn boost for the first little while , hopefully long enough to get some great reviews of your own... I am sure it will all be fine.. Good luck... H
Good if I get a small boost from "new" listing, even better if I can get the sponsorhip money or put some link to the former listing with lots of good reviews !!