Super host criteria

Level 2
Chalabre, France

Super host criteria



I’ve been an air b&b host for over six years,  and a super host for four years. 
Because I made an error in my calendar I had to cancel a booking. I contacted the guest within an hour of the booking being made , explaining the situation and apologized. I knew I would be penalized by air b&b, and it was my fault.

However, as well as being fined, I also lost my super host status which I thought was a bit extreme, in six years of hosting this is the only time I’ve ever cancelled. 
I wrote a letter to the C.E. in Ireland, and after about six weeks got a brief message, not from him, but from some  ‘support’ person, just stating that those were the rules. As a host, I am as flexible and accommodating as possible, and nearly always get five star reviews. Air b&b are not. I’m a person, not an algorithm ! Where is the flexibility here ? Human error happens.

Now I realize I won’t get my super host status back until next year, as the cancellation rate has to be less than one percent in the year. 
This seems grossly unfair. One cancellation in six years. I’m really disgusted.

13 Replies 13
Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello @Frances2770 I'm so sorry to hear about this.


I looked at your profile and saw many amazing reviews. Congratulations on providing such an exceptional hosting experience, and I wish you the best of luck in the next SuperHost assessment 🌟.


Here is the link where you can provide feedback directly to Airbnb in case you find it useful.


Best regards,



Please follow the Community Guidelines // Por favor consulta las Normas de la comunidad

Thanks for your message Paula. 
It’s not a question of luck,  it’s the way Airbnb calculates the percentages that means I won’t regain my super host status probably until next January.

This is what’s so unjust.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hello @Frances2770 


Quite honestly I wouldn't worry about it you have great reviews and Airbnb is clearly phasing out all the SH benefits for example you can no longer search by SH.


every scheme will have a criteria you need to meet to qualify and unfortunately for you if you want to qualify for SH status cancelling a guest booking disqualifies you for a year. 

it's not unjust . You don't meet the criteria to qualify . 

One cancellation in six years, and I was also penalized half the price of the booking… It is unjust, the criteria should be changed, or more flexible.

Also, I wonder what happens to the money I was fined? I hope it goes to a homeless charity.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Airbnb can't just change the criteria /make an exception for you @Frances2770  or else they'd have to do it for every host who doesn't meet one of the criteria for SH and they're be no point in having a criteria you need to meet 

As a host I try to be as flexible as possible for my guests. If they need to leave bags or food at my place or whatever, if it’s possible, they can. Nothing is ridgid.  They are human, and so am I . Is it too much to expect the same flexibility from air b&b? 

I really would like the opinion of others…

I have plenty of guests, it’s not that I need the super host status, it’s just that I feel that despite my best endeavors, I’m not valued because of one error….

Level 10
Toronto, Canada

You actually get 3 chances to cancel without penalty if you're on instant booking which it appears you are. Seems like you didn't use 1 of those chances? 

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Only if you meet the criteria for a cancellation 

One of the valid criteria is being uncomfortable with a reservation. Double booking (although I'm not sure how that happened) seems about as uncomfortable as it can possibly get. 

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Obviously you can't conflate a host not closing out their calendar and therefore accepting a booking they cant accômodate  with being uncomfortable with a guest which is normally due to safety issues/a guest indicating they are going to break your house rules @Zheng49 

True, but it's worth a shot. The support agents just follow the rules to the T anyways. 

Level 4
London, United Kingdom

I had the same thing - however, I managed to get away without losing my SuperHost status, because it was "less than 1% cancellations" or something like that, and I had so many bookings, that the one cancellation was very small in comparison.

Airbnb are super strict - they want to make sure that if a Guest books something, they won't be cancelled.    In my case, like you, I cancelled within 10 minutes when I realised my mistake, but they were 100% adamant it was my fault that I had not managed my calendar correctly.