Tag Needs attention

Level 2
Southend-on-Sea, United Kingdom

Tag Needs attention


i would like to ask you what is the impact of this tag « Needs Attention » after someone left a review 3.

Only issue was the noise made by children running at the above flat. 
This a Victorian house built before 1908 and I have no control on neighbours children running. 

I would like to ask you as well in which category the noise complaint should be made: accuracy, location, value. 

Finally, what are your suggestion for my review response? 

Thank you so much



3 Replies 3
Level 2
Southend-on-Sea, United Kingdom

Sorry- I forgot to mention that I found the guest very stressed in reason of his job. He has a stressful job and as you know stress can make you more sensitive to noise.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Michelle1486 ! I hope Helen's advice above may have helped with some more insights into your situation. How are you contemplating to deal with such instances if they happen again? As Helen mentioned, I did notice some really lovely reviews in your profile.

Keep us posted on how it is going for you!





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Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hello @Michelle1486 


It's lovely that so many guests go out of their way to mention how friendly and accommodating your are.


But you have what Airbnb consider a low overall rating for your shared home with many guests marking you down on cleanliness and complaining of noise from the flat above.  You've also been marked down for accuracy and check in- do you know why that is? 


the good news are both of these areas are ones you can improve on. ...


with cleanliness are there specific areas of the house guests have commented about? When you get a low rating for cleanliness  do you ask for feedback on areas to improve ?


As a home-share host myself I have a cleaner come in regularly as well as doing top up cleans myself - is this something you could look at?


With noise complaints have you looked at putting noise insulation in your ceiling to dampen the noise? 

Each year I use some of the profits I generate from my STR business to make improvements. For example last year I put in a new bathroom and this year I have repainted my Airbnb room and am replacing curtains and adding more shelving to the guest room. 

next year I'm planning major improvements to my garden. 

I am also looking an installing insulation panels because I have a family next door and like you I live in a Victorian house . 


if you're talking about your recent review from the guy in your shared home listing I wouldn't reply at all it's a lovely review and his complaint seems valid.


by the way never ask a guest publicly on your reviews why they gave you a 4 star review if you want feedback send them a private message (which you did in an earlier review) . 


Airbnb considers 4.6 a rather low rating and can suspend or even cancel your listing so it's worth you seeing what sort of changes you can make based on guest feedback that may lead to increased ratings .