The dreaded black listing on your calendar

Level 5
Greenwich, CT

The dreaded black listing on your calendar

From time to time we all get them - a 'black' hold on days on our calendar with no notification of a booking, reservation request, or anything.  Nobody can book that time, and we cannot delete it.


My calendar was like this yesterday when I found out they 'why':  A newbie guest had not completed their needed info to airbnb (we require id) but had made a reservation request.  Airbnb then blocked the dates.  When I asked airbnb about this they told me it was to 'give the guest a chance to upload what is needed and keep their place in your calendar.'  They also told me that they release it  between 12 and 24 hours later if it is not completed.


My newbie guest told me how easy it was to book, and that she did not notice the request for her id until later that day, and then she had errands to do, so completed it late that night.  WTF???!!! I thought, as my calendar was on hold for a guest that potentially I might have declined, and a guest might have booked in the meantime.


I would love it of airbnb took notice of this issue and simply did NOT hold a calendar date like that (or maybe 2 hours max for example).  Hosts like me usually book a week or two out max and my guests will look elsewhere if my calendar is blocked.  Additionally, folks who do not provide the info needed to book my airbnb should be told that they are required to, in order to book me, and that time is sensitive.


Not sure if anyone at airbnb reads things like this post, and certainly  not sure if they are contactable about this, but any thoughts on this matter? The stress of losing a booking because a newbie (in this case - but could have been someone who just never uploaded govt id) is getting to me....


2 Replies 2
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


Useally you can see in the booking request something like "waiting for verification". It is an old issue.

Airbnb should not allow guests with incomplete profiles to book.

But is still possible.


Sometimes you can sent the guest a message: "please retract the booking request"

Not possible in the times this has happened to me - no way to identify or contact.  I wonder what circumstances would allow  me to contact...


Why does air let this situation continue?  it is to nobody's benefit - except for the unverified guest.