Trying to get help in completing my listing regarding getting my first guest

Trying to get help in completing my listing regarding getting my first guest

Hello good day. I am a new host from Nigeria. I am very excited to join the community. 


I like to know how apartments within Nigeria get bookings and get paid. We only have a Nigerian Bank account, as our business in here in Nigeria. I am looking for help setting up my account to get payment. Do i need to get a foreign account? How do other members in the community from Nigeria set up their payment account?

2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Hi @Hendon2 

It's usually not necessary to set up a foreign bank account (for example, in South Africa we get paid into our regular accounts). Let's hope hosts from Nigeria will answer your post here with more details about Nigerian bank accounts, but if you don't get answers you can check with your local host club. There is one in Lagos. Unfortunately host clubs are only available to those with Facebook accounts. If you have Facebook, you can use this link to connect with hosts in Lagos:


Local Host Clubs - Airbnb Community

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Hendon2 😊

welcome to the community center!

Did you follow Shelley's suggestion to connect with local host and get their advice? 


I’m also tagging a few hosts from Nigeria here: @Adesuwa2@Nick2693@Shaki73@Mojoko0@Najeem0@Michael7833 and @Remilekun-Taofiq0.

Thank you in advance everyone!


Warm regards🌻,


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