Hello here Am Uncle Tom, i just list my apartmen...
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Hello here Am Uncle Tom, i just list my apartment on the airbnb platform some few months back, looking for a way ...
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Hi Everyone,
I hope this is okay to discuss here, this situation actually happened through another hosting platform that we thought we would trial (but are now cancelling as soon as we receive our one and only payment). But this could just as easily have happened through Airbnb. So we would love some advice....
Our Airbnb Studio (3 guests max) is attached to our home, but is on a lower level with its own separate entrance.
Our guests from this past weekend booked months ago for 2 guests, on behalf of family members who were coming for the booking Guest's wedding, at a location just up the road from us. Two days before they were due to arrive, I contacted the 'soon to be newly weds' asking for the contact details of their family members that were supposed to be staying with us. They then told me that they had decided to stay in our Studio themselves..... Great! No problems there.
They arrived late the night before the wedding, and so we hadn't met them, although I had been in contact with them several times during the day about arrival times, and self check in details. Lots of chances to discuss anything with us.
The morning of their wedding, cars were coming and going on our property.... from what we could work out, the bride left, the groom was picked up, then another car arrived and 2 women got out, at this point I introduced myself, believing one of them to be the bride.... but No, one was the Mother of the Bride, and the other was a Bridesmaid. I assumed that the bride was in the Studio, but was told she was somewhere else having her hair and makeup done, and that they had been given the pin code to let themselves in to our Studio!! They proceeded to go inside and get ready for the wedding. The Bride arrives a little later.
The doorbell to our house rings, my husband answers it.... and two wedding photographers start taking his photo as they try and step through the doorway!! Completely taken off guard.... He points them in the direction of the Studio! At this point in time, we were really considering saying something, but we felt it was all too late, and we didn't want to put a spoiler on their day....
While all all this is going on, and not having any clue of what was about to unfold that day, we already had a house full of our own visitors..... my parents, our daughter, son in law and our grandsons, who we'd been babysitting overnight! Which wouldn't normally be a problem, as we were at the back area of our home.... furthest away from the Studio, for our guests privacy!
Next thing we know, the Groom has turned up again in his suit, greets the bride and they are off wandering around our Backyard with the Photographers, having their photoshoot! I know, we 'did' actually say in our listing that Guests are welcome to wander around our yard.... but there's nothing to say that they are also welcome to invite other people and/or professional photographers onto the property without our permission!
They had lots of opportunities just to ask us if this would be okay! And, while everything had all been well thought out and pre planned in advance on their side of things, no consideration or notification had been given to us, and the use of our home.
Sorry about the long drawn out scenario, but it has opened up a few questions for us, as well as some contradictory feelings, and we would appreciate some input....
Because, at the end of the day, if they had asked us in advance, we probably would have said Yes to all the activity, but with conditions.... after all, in this instance, our Studio was no worse for wear. It was kind of exciting to watch it all happen, and they really just seemed like a lovely young couple who just didn't think.... or maybe, they got one over us!
1. Where would we stand with Insurances? With no prewarning, we hadn't prepared our Backyard for a Wedding Photoshoot..... We have a grey water sprinkler system that automatically comes on when the tank is full. That would have made for an interesting photo.... not to mention a ruined wedding dress! Also the fact that someone could have hurt themselves.
2. How do we make sure that we aren't caught by 'surprise' again? I know we can put something in our House Rules.... but, if someone doesn't tell us they're getting married and chooses not to read, or disregard the rules, I'm pretty sure we will still have the same reaction, and not say anything..... because we wouldn't want to spoil their day!
3. Is there any way of offering a 'Bridal Package' without being out of pocket? In other words, an extra charge to cover extra services such as cleaning, extra people using the property and privacy/location hire. We'd really love to hear feedback from anyone with any experience in this area!!
Thanks in advance,
Michelle 🙂
The first thing you need to do @Michelle-And-Michael0 is to decide what you want.
Do you want to use Airbnb for booking standard stays? This is what Airbnb is for.
No guests allowed, Airbnb insurance covers registered guests.. Just a place to sleep and relax.
If so, you must adhere to your no guests allowed policy and be firm.
Of do you want to go into another business of being a studio for photo shoots?. All good, but there probably is a more appropriate site for that.
Or do you enjoy people complimenting you on your setting so that they can manipulate you and have you give them something for nothing?
All of the above options are fine. But I find it easier to try for simplicity. Be willing to say "Mother is not allowed here, she is not registered." It is also easier if I am prepared to say "Sorry this does not meet your needs. You are welcome to cancel"
Bridezilla needs to start here marraige right.
Hmmm.... Food for thought!!
Thank you for your prompt feedback @Paul154 we really do appreciate your honest opinion, and will give it some consideration!
Except for Option 3, which really is a no brainer..... as no one likes to be manipulated!
Cheers 🙂
@Michelle-And-Michael0 Wow, there was another post here several weeks ago with almost exactly the same scenario! Except in that one, the wedding planner pushed right past the host saying "Who are you?"
Oh Really?? I must have missed that post @Sarah977 I'll have to try and track it down, out of interest.
Thanks for the info 🙂
Much appreciated @Sarah977 I found the post you mentioned, and it seems to provide some good information related to our questions!
On third party bookings:
Wedding, family members, visiting family, all those can be red flags under certain circumstances and you need to engage in communication with your guests and ask them detailed questions.
To avoid comings and goings, visitors etc. you need to firm up your house rules and stay firm even if it means you would need to cancel a reservation. Do not break your own rules.
Hi @Marit-Anne0 Thank you for your input.... I tried opening the link you attached, but it just takes me back to the general Community Board page. Was there a specific link that you were trying to direct me to?
Cheers 🙂
Sorry @Marit-Anne0 got it..... I will check it out now! Thanks
Wow.... I really hadn't given the third party booking situation a lot of thought. It all seemed totally innocent enough on the surface. I hadn't realised there were so many things that could go wrong!
In this situation though, it didn't end up being third party booking, as the guest who booked was the one that stayed.....
We will definitely need to be more vigilant about third party bookings from now on.... Thanks for drawing my attention to it! 🙂
When you accepted the bride to stay before her wedding, you set this thing in motion. This will happen to virtually EVERY pre-wedding stay. The day is a circus, and involves lots of people coming and going. Photographers, makeup, hair, relatives etc. If you are not ok with that, say '' no wedding prep or unauthorised guests at any time please'' or some such. if you are ok for a fee, mention that. Make it a condition for IB so nodoby can IB who is on a wedding trip.
For this time, I would say nothing, just let it go. The guests didn't think it was going to be an issue whatsoever, they have never married before and think they pay for the accom and can have a visitor or ten. You, as a professional host, now know what it entails and can now have the option of saying yes or no beforehand. Don't ruin their day, agreed.
Thanks @Sandra126 We appreciate your feedback!
You're right, of course.... it just didn't cross our minds, because up until the day before their arrival, we had no idea that it was actually the Bride and Groom that we were hosting. So we didn't really get a chance to think it through properly..... we definitely will ask more questions from now on!
Cheers 🙂
I agree with Sandra - this is part and parcel of hosting a bride and groom. However, any photographer worth their salt has insurance... so for future, if you approve a wedding group, ask to see proof of insurance before the arrival.
@Willow3 You also need to be added as an Additional Insured on his policy. The photographers insurance company will send you this.
I'm not sure I understand the issue here.
@Michelle-And-Michael0 AirBnB is going to be starting a Wedding category soon, just like the Family and Work groups. I have no clue how they intend to work it or list it. It just says Coming Soon. I do weddings on my property and charge additional for them.