Updating of Host Account Details

Level 2
Baguio, Philippines

Updating of Host Account Details

Dear all:


A month ago I received a message from an Airbnb Support (no identification) asking me to update my hosting details. I was provided a link. When I clicked the link, I was brought to a page that was not updatable/editable. I replied back to the same message telling them that the link was not working. I received a reply which didn't acknowledge my concern and gave me another link that was also not working. And then I received a message telling me they haven't heard from me and suspended my payouts. I was advised to contact Airbnb Support, but all of those whom I was able to talk to could not help me update my hosting account details. Until now, Airbnb has been keeping payments from booking already transpired. What should I do and who should I email to resolve my issue? I hope the community will be able to direct/help me to the right persons. Thank you.

Top Answer
Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Narciso-N-0 , I thought that going through this article might help a bit perhaps? : https://www.airbnb.co.uk/help/article/3004.



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9 Replies 9
Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Narciso-N-0 ,


Seems there has been some misunderstanding and am sorry to hear that you have already made efforts to have it rectified. 

I have also shared this instance with the concerned teams if they can get in touch with you and provide edit access for you to upload documents. Hope you hear from someone soon!



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Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Narciso-N-0 , Hope someone would have reached out to you again! If you face difficulties in editing or have no access, please feel free to tag me using @, and I will be more than happy to nudge the team regarding it.



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@Bhumika  Hello. Thank you for helping me out. I did receive an email today sending me a link (to a page that was finally editable) to update my hosting details.


I updated my hosting details  as a personal/private host because that what's I am.


But I have some more concerns.


1. The personnel contacting me presumed that there is another Beneficial Owner. There is no other.


2. As for the update of the registration number of "my business", I am not quite sure what document they were referring to.


The property is a subleased to me by the owner of the house, the business permit is renewed annually (under the owner of the house) so the registration number changes every time the permit is renewed.


I hope you could help me further as to what kind of "Host" I really am because I feel that I am just a personal/private host.


Thank you very much.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Narciso-N-0, Thanks for giving us an update. I have again asked the team to clarify your concerns. In case I receive any info, I will relay it to you (or maybe they will get in touch with you for further assistance).



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Hello @Bhumika .


When you first responded to my concern, I did receive a feedback from the Airbnb Team. I actually updated my hosting details as a personal/private host like what I have previously stated here.


But in return, I received an email signed "Airbnb Team" that I should update my hosting account as "business".


So I again updated. BUT they say there was no change. I am quite sure that somewhere in the Airbnb application, there was a record that I changed.


Moreover, I have been trying to explain since November 2022 (I could provide the screenshots of the history of the correspondence), that what I listed with Airbnb is part of a rented property. I am renting and living in this property, and listed one of the units with Airbnb. When I rented this property, it came with a business permit (for transient/short term stays under the property owner).


My agreement with the property owner was that I pay them a fixed amount monthly, but I get all the earnings from the Airbnb listing.

So I ask the Airbnb team in charge, as a host, which category do I fall in?

I have been explaining this situation to them ever since November 2022, but it seems that nobody understands what I am saying or it is just being ignored.
Now I am awaiting feedback from them before I update again. I asked them that with my situation, which category should I be considered as a host?
I still believe that I should be considered as a personal/private host since I am the one in-charge with the Airbnb listing and all proceeds goes to me.
Could someone actually guide/call me step-by-step so when I update, the information/update I provide are already what Airbnb needs?
I am already confused what information to provide.
Thank you for helping me out. I am grateful.
Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Narciso-N-0 , I thought that going through this article might help a bit perhaps? : https://www.airbnb.co.uk/help/article/3004.



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@Bhumika I already tried updating based on that article, but I received a message that "nothing" was changed in my account. So I don't know what to do. Am I even talking to real persons or programmed replies?

@Bhumika Hello. On April 26, 2023, I received another email asking me to update my hosting details.


I updated again telling them that it will be the same information since I have no other information to add.


But on May 1, I received another email asking me to update my hosting details.


I replied by saying how could you say I am providing an inaccurate business registration number according to your trusted source when I am in possession of the original 2023 business registration document?


On the same day, May 1, I forwarded the image of the said document and received a response:"Thank you for your prompt response and patience regarding your account verification.

We will continue with your account review and we will contact you again if we need further information.

Thank you,"


But today I received a prompt asking me to update again my hosting details?


What is happening? Why am I being made to run around circles?


No offense meant, but are your people assigned to update hosting details competent enough to understand my situation which I explained multiple times already? Are they even competent enough to understand the english language?


Why is it that every time, I get the feeling that I am talking to automated responses and the person/s handling the issue are unaware of the previous correspondences?


I listed this property in 2018. It ran smoothly until the end of 2022. The problem started November 2022 when someone required me to update my hosting details. We were able to resolve the updating in December 2022 via a phone call with an agent. But come March 2023, we have this problem again and suddenly you paused my payouts.


Can Airbnb really withhold payments for services already rendered? It will be a month already that I was supposed to receive a payment, yet you still have my monies, are you also gonna pay me for interests earned?


I believe that this withholding payments is an arbitrary decision of Airbnb and is not fair. If you are having issues with a listed property, why don't you just suspend the property so the property will not be booked?


BUT You have to release the earnings first for services already rendered. We have already spent for the services rendered. Don't you think that is the most logical and most fair action?


I hope that you will be able to shed light on this issue because it is not fair for my property being booked yet Airbnb continues to withhold payments for services already rendered.


Thank you.







Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Narciso-N-0,


I am really sorry to hear that the issue is still ongoing.

However, please note that we are not an official branch of Airbnb Customer Support and thus may not have access to all the necessary details to address your concern fully.


Although there is not more I can do here, I will again ask the teams to look further into your concerns.



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