Using a separate rental agreement on 30+ day rentals in California

Level 2
Chula Vista, CA

Using a separate rental agreement on 30+ day rentals in California

Are many hosts out there in California using a separate/additonal agreement for 30+ day rentals?

What if you need to do an eviction?  How much will AirBnB help you in this situation?

I fear getting stuck with a 90+ day process and a bunch of legal and local government fees due to a rogue tenant.

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Seattle, WA

Nothing will protect you from need to evict after you do 30+ days. Do background check and get valid ID as a first step.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Airbnb is just a marketing platform for your STR business so there isn't any help they can offer @Roy1172  if your guest decides to squat.


I would suggest you post on your local host group and yes I think long stay hosts in the US do send out a separate agreement but legally I don't know what protection it would offer you against long stay guest squatting. You probably want to take legal advice if you are unfamiliar with your local tenancy legislation.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello @Roy1172, welcome to the Airbnb Community Center!


Have you had a chance to read our Hosts' suggestions? Building on Helen's advice, here is the link to the Local Host Clubs. You can find the closest one to your location by using the zoom option.


I hope this helps!



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