What are the criteria for a holiday house to be listed under I’m flexible?

Level 1
Thyholm, Denmark

What are the criteria for a holiday house to be listed under I’m flexible?

I have a holiday house, and I would like to have it shown under Holiday house (feriehuse) under I’m flexible. I do not know how this can happen. I am a super host. Houses that ate not super host are in the listing - even rooms that are not entire houses. I’m just wondering how this new feature works. 

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


The "i am flexible" option is an option for guests to have more listings shown in search results, not matching the exact dates. It is not to be set in the listing. If your listing does not show up, you probably need to zoom in more on the map, as the amount of results has increased and your listing is not on the initial list.

I searched with "flexible" and your listing does show up, allthough indeed sometimes have to zoom in on the map.


You can test under wihch conditions your listing is showiing up here:


Level 1
Thyholm, Denmark

@Emiel1 Thank you for trying to respond, but I have a problem explaining. When you go to the front page and press I’m flexible several categories apear in the top bar. One is feriehuse / holiday house and in this category my house does not apear. I wonder why because some houses there are nor super host, some have lower ratings and some are only rooms not whole houses. I do agree that the term I’m flexible can be confusing, but it is part of the new launche from airbnb, and I’m just trying to figure out how it works.