What is the ideal check-out time for your listing?

Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

What is the ideal check-out time for your listing?

check out 2.jpg


Hello everyone! 😊


Check-in and check-out times are essential for providing our guests with an outstanding experience. In fact, some travelers choose our accommodations specifically because the timing aligns with their needs.


What check-out time do you offer? Are you flexible with this schedule? Have you made any adjustments based on guest feedback?


We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments! What do you consider the best check-out time, and why?


Warm regards! 🦋



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42 Replies 42

11am is ideal for the guest and the host. Adjustments can be made if there are no bookings on that day.

@Gabrielle466 It says in the listing, unless you've changed the format again without telling us. 11am. I've not had a booking in over 2 months, and I'm angry that Airbnb has done nothing to help me. 

Level 2
Plettenberg Bay, South Africa

@Ebet0 O my goodness, thank you for pointing it out. I'm a very new host and am just feeling my way forward. I will go and change according to my reasoning above. Thank you.


I've just checked - under my House rules - it states "before 10am" - where did you see 11am? maybe I've got it somewhere else too. Where do I look?




You have to search the edit page - it's in there somewhere

Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa


As far as I know, 14h00 check-in and 10h00 check-out (year-round) are the norm in our country, so it seems you're well aligned.

I think things like daylight hours and local expectations factor in - It looks like many hosts in the northern hemisphere use 16h00 and 11h00, giving them an extra hour.


For me, the 10h00 check-out usually runs fairly smoothly, as you also said. But often guests want to arrive before 14h00 (which is strange, as our standard time is already earlier than most other countries?). It may be because we don't have a network of luggage drop facilities. I agree with you - it's hard to get everything done between 10h00 and 14h00.

The problem is that guests assess whether the place was clean and well prepared, regardless of whether they checked in early.



No matter how early your check-in is, there will be those who want to check-in even earlier. There are those who want to check-in at 1AM / 1:00 even. 


I just tell it like it is. If they are okay with the 6PM / 18:00 check-in then they book, otherwise not. Some even initially wanted say 10AM / 10:00 check-in, and after I said no they still ended up booking anyways. So it turns out the early check-in was not so necessary after all. 


We often allow early luggage drop-off though, and do sometimes allow early(ier) check-in when possible. The truth is, no one really wants to be at their Airbnb so early in the day. It's mostly just to do an early drop-off of their luggage. 

Level 1
London, United Kingdom

I have 11am on my listing but tend to be flexible with my guests.

I block two days after each booking in my calendar so there's time to clean and prep while my guests don't feel unnecessary pressure to leave.

So far, the latest departure has been at 12pm.

Level 2
Beaminster, United Kingdom

We currently state a check out time of 11 am.  10 am would be better if other guests are arriving at 3 pm, as if would allow more time for cleaning etc.  We can be flexible with the timing if no other guests are booked in for the same day or the next day.

Level 2
England, United Kingdom

10:00 check out 

16:00 check in


and we try to accommodate guest’s request when practical to do so. 

Level 2
St George's, Grenada

My ideal check out time is 11:00 am. It gives housekeeping just enough time to ready the place in the case of a same day check out and check in

Level 2
Saskatoon, Canada

Unless another group is arriving same day,  I have an open checkout time. Never had an issue with checkout.... it is ARRIVING LATE that seems to be an issue as I meet all guests upon arrival. I need to look guests in the eye!!!  It works for me!

I always set my check-out to 11am. If the guests requests a later check out then I check to see if I have the availability between guests to accept their request.


I would also recommend researching near by short term rental properties, to compare check-in/check-out times and set your criteria based off of your findings! 🙂 

Level 1

I use 11am as check out time, and guests can leave their bags and pick them up later, if needed.

Level 10
Toronto, Canada

From the perspective of the guest, best check-in time is as early as possible. Best check-out time is as late as possible.


Anyways, I'm rolling with 6PM check-in and 1PM check-out at the moment. I get a lot of requests for early check-in, but that's normal. No matter how early your check-in is, you will still get such requests. 


Advantage of 6PM check-in should be pretty obvious. If you get off work at 5PM, and can get home quickly, you can actually handle the cleaning yourself without issues. Ie. no need for a cleaning crew. 

Level 2
Edenton, NC

10 am.  Enough time to get breakfast, clean and pack up. That is unless there are late sleepers.   If people ask for a little more time I give it to them.