Where can i publish my services outside the platform?


Where can i publish my services outside the platform?

I'm currently working with multiple listings; we would like to check if there is any way that we can expand our listing's publicity, like other channels or platforms that we can use. 

1 Best Answer
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Yes  you need to  invest in market research as the basis for developing a marketing plan which will help you identify the best channels and tactics for you to use to help you promote your STR business to guests you've identified as your target market @Gerardo474 


first though I'd work to address the issue leading to rather low ratings on many of your properties . 

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6 Replies 6
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Yes  you need to  invest in market research as the basis for developing a marketing plan which will help you identify the best channels and tactics for you to use to help you promote your STR business to guests you've identified as your target market @Gerardo474 


first though I'd work to address the issue leading to rather low ratings on many of your properties . 

Level 10
Placencia, Belize

Your own web site?

Hey Fred!
Thanks for your reply

Yes, I have a website, we're currently working with lead strategies and launching our services through this space, but i would like to expand with organic ways like forums, blogs, or communities.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hi @Gerardo474, thank you for posting in our community.


I would like to share this guide, where you can find a webpage created exclusively by Airbnb for co-hosting services.


>>How to find and become an experienced Co-Host on Airbnb?


I hope this helps,



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Hello everyone!

I'm interested in going deeper into the Hosting Teams tool. Especially because I would like to expand my services. There's anyone who can share your experience with this? Whether hiring or being part of a Hosting team
I am curious about the day-by-day situations

Good afternoon, colleagues,

I would like to know if you have any recommendations for portals, websites, or external forums where I can advertise Property Management services. We are expanding our business as hosts and would be delighted to create or enlist in a network exchange. I would greatly appreciate the information.

Best regards,