Why do host who have only hosted a few stays get superhost status when the rules say minimum 10 per year

Level 2
Victoria, Australia

Why do host who have only hosted a few stays get superhost status when the rules say minimum 10 per year

Why do host who have only hosted a few stays get superhost status when the rules say minimum 10 per year, im annoyed ive hosted 600 people with zero cancellations respond within hours and just because on average with large number of bookings its impossible to get 4.8 as there's always idiots that give me 1 for no reason.
my rating is 4.7 over 3.5 years but i will never get 4.8 its impossible, airbnb would rather have superhosts that do 10 bookings a year at 4.8 than give it to me who do 300 a year at 4.7.


Superhost status has to reward host who have 0 cancellations ever, 100% response, over 600 guests per year or 200+ bookings and a rating of 4.7+


4.8 is insulting, if i could upload pics i can show 100's of listings of SUper hosts will < 10 bookings ever some as low as 3

24 Replies 24

I've already used my Superhost credit for this year, and given the current situation for travel in Europe I won't need another one anytime soon. But it's fascinating to imagine that of all the people who have real problems right now that are unable to get through to customer service, you've apparently gotten a "manager" to listen to you whine.

Level 10
Charleston, SC

If you are booked all the time you usually don't show up in the top of the listing unless you have an upcoming vacancy even if you have all 5 star reviews and booked all the time. This year Airbnb must have had  have to adjust algorithms them more than once. For example I was at the top when bookings came pouring in when I launched, then dropped off the radar when they all canceled at once due to covid, but if you find a way to keep getting reservations you keep getting views. You also don't know where you list in other guest searches as you may be higher in some than others. I've also noticed that most of the host profiles I click on here, when they have thousands of post here to CC and hundreds of reviews, but only a dozen or so for their listing which likely means they relisted the same place due to low reviews and now avoid whatever got them those low reviews. My closest Airbnb host down the street who had over 4.9 and over 150 reviews also relisted theirs at the start of covid. I'm not sure why if they had one terrible review, wanted all 5 star reviews, or wasn't getting bookings and assumed only new listings got more views. That's why I don't jump through hoops, as I'm much better to decide rates, what to offer, reviews, communicating with my guest or just ignoring minor things. The most important thing is having an exceptionally clean place. You just have to figure out what works best for you, not jump through hoops for everyone else, or keep doing something that gets you low reviews. 

Keep in mind also that Airbnb could decide to delist a property or account for low reviews especially if they aren't clean. Guest can also simply create another account.  I think eventually both host and guest who cheat, or even beg for positive reviews or write glowing reviews for messy guest with code words that are so crypic they are delusional still end up getting low reviews. Most people guest and host post here to try and change or minipulate the system. Some are so clever they get away with getting a negative review removed for a nasty mattress, and most host don't put enough back into their listing to maintain high reviews. 

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

I can assure you that Superhost is not the determining factor in search ranking. Airbnb doesn't tell us how factors are weighted in search ranking, but I've held Superhost status for years, have a 5* rating, and still don't appear high in search. And other hosts have done research into search rankings and have confirmed that Superhost has little, if anything, to do with it.


Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Paul661 How do you commit to the enhanced cleaning protocol and yet ask the guests to clean (whilst not making this clear in the listing)?

I don't see you will ever achieve a rating of 4.8 unless you make it much clearer in the listing that guests have to clean and, even then, people will complain as guests cleaning is rarely up to the standard expected by other guests.

Level 10




I'm not sure if You know how this Superhost-system works.


The superhost badge is not related to a listing but to the host who runs the listing. If a host runs 7 listings and one of the listings meets the requirements to become superhost, then the Superost-badge is shown on all of the 7 listing of the host. Why? Because they are run by a superhost. That explains why there are listings with only 3 reviews but do show the badge.


You wrote:


  • Because i guess it annoys me they appear first in the listings for the area when its full of superhosts with <10 bookings you end up lower down the list.


Why do You assume that it's the Superhost badge that moves these listings up in search results? Where does it say that this is the case? Even airbnb themselves do not state that the badge would move listings up in search.


If You're not familiar with the positioning in search results, pls read this thread:




The thread has 6 pages, read them all and You'll understand.



@Ute42 you are much too nice, OP has already decided what is going on, how dare you try to utilize facts to change direction...


while you're at it, also send him the math thread so that he realizes that all those unreasonable 1* among his other 100s of good reviews aren't the reason why his rating is so low


Lets also mention in this thread that ABB ECP is a total joke




Kelly, I know that it is useless what I'm doing. People believe what they want to believe, You can't change that and airbnb knows that.


Level 1
Houston, TX

I think it’s not fair since I have seen many people with low rating at 4.3 can be a super host and host with 4.7 can’t be a super host.
I have the same issue. Meet every other requirements and above but 4.7 make me list my super host. I have asked the same question to airbnb support but never heard anything back. I don’t know why and don’t know how it work.   

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Helen2860 the answer to your question is simple. The property rating goes all the way back to the point it was created whereas the Superhost rating looks only at the 12 months up to the superhost calculation point. Also if a host has multiple listings they may achieve the 4.8 rating whilst the individual listings are below/above said rating.

Hopefully this explains why a listing may have a 4.3 rating but be run by a Superhost.