Wrong Map related to the wrong beach in Amalfi Coast

Wrong Map related to the wrong beach in Amalfi Coast

Hi there!

We help multiple landlords here in Amalfi Coast and we realized Airbnb is messing up with distances to the beach and town.


An example, this property: https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/1143347065543103866 located in Maiori town, Airbnb automatically says 

4-min walk to the beach  This home is by Spiaggia di Minori.
Of course that is wrong, this property is in Maiori town so the beach is Maiori (not Minori).
Same situation is for this property: https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/1188069208737159572 located in Maiori town, Airbnb automatically says 
11-min walk to the beach This home is by Spiaggia di Minori.

Same problem, Airbnb refer to the beach in Minori town but the property is in Maiori town.


And then the properties located in Minori town, Airbnb says that the beach is located at 20 minutes (most probably confusing with the beach in Maiori town).


An example: https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/1366542935708970024 located in Minori town very close to the beach but Airbnb says 

19-min walk to the beach This home is by Spiaggia di Minori.

That's wrong as the property is 3 minutes walk to Minori Beach.


We believe the Airbnb Map has a glitch, Airbnb probably read the beach of Minori town located in Maiori so that the properties located in Minori town are far from the beach (and that's wrong) and the properties located in Maiori town are close to Minori beach (what a mess!).


We been in contact multiple times with Airbnb Help Center but they have no idea on what to do...

Also many landlords been in contact with Airbnb about this issue but with no luck.


Any idea on what to do? 



4 Replies 4



This is an ongoing issue since Airbnb outsourced these functions to Elevate to handle and appears AI is used to handle proximty callouts on listings. Chaos ensues....


See these treads on the same topic:






Thanks Joan2709

So what we can do to solve this issue?

We been checking the links you sent but we are still not sure what to do...


Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

You or the owners can submit a request to Airbnb to amend the listing distances @Luca--And-My-Sister-Greta-0 

We did already multiple times by phone too, we believe is just the Airbnb map (Elevate) that is completely wrong. 

We believe the beach of Minori Town on Airbnb is located in Maiori Town instead.

So that means the properties located in Maiori town are close to Minori Beach... and the properties of Minori Town are far from the beach. This is completely incorrect!

Both towns (Minori and Maiori) have their own beach and most properties are within 5 minutes walk to the beach.