Hi, I've got a problem with my listings on Airbnb. I'm from Greece. Everything was working fine since we changed into a professional host. My listings are not available I'm trying to sort out the problem, but the support can't help me my XML provider. He's telling me that's getting this error message.
AirbnbValidationException: com.octorate.error.HttpResponseException: HTTP Response code 400: {"error_code":400,"error_type":"validation","error_message":"You can only accept long-term rentals (365 or more)","error_id":"api_frwrk_2d39800722fe4a86acdc3a6eaf4a0545","error_class":"ValidationError"}
Does anyone knows a setting that can enable short-term rentals back right now? It's telling me that only long-term rentals can't be accepted, but even that is not working, I've change the minimum and maximum stay nothing seems to work in