listings suspended

Level 1
Miami, FL

listings suspended

It's been terribly disapointing to see the turn Airbnb is currently turning. 
We feel obligated to say "yes" to absolutely everything a guest asks for. 
late check out... early check in... breakfast... refunds... holding their luggages prior to check in... change of dates... Etc etc etc. 

If not, they will simply leave a bad/average review and what will happen? Our listing will be suspended/removed. 

Absolutely no help is being proposed, it's been TERRIBLE. 

Many hosts, if not all are currently complaining but absolutely no change(s) whatsoever have been made. 

Currently, 8 listings suspended, sorry we can't hold luggages... We wish we could!!!!!


1 Reply 1
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

I'm sorry you feel you need to meet requests from guests outside of your listing description - I don't hold luggage, provide breakfast and only provide an early check or late check out if it works for me in terms of any bookings I might have. @Pat7793 


I've had solid five star reviews for the last four years.


i direct guests to left luggage facilities in my area .


Are you saying Airbnb suspended your listings because you wouldn't keep a guests luggage? 

Or is it because you have a number of listings that fall below Airbnb's 4.6 rating . Airbnb do say in their T&C that they can  suspend listings that fall below the 4.6 ratings? 

looking at your reviews quite a few of problem areas highlighted in your reviews are related to cleanliness , amenities broken or not working, issues with additional charges , linens not being clean etc which don't relate to the issues you've highlighted .