listings suspended

Level 1
Miami, FL

listings suspended

It's been terribly disapointing to see the turn Airbnb is currently turning. 
We feel obligated to say "yes" to absolutely everything a guest asks for. 
late check out... early check in... breakfast... refunds... holding their luggages prior to check in... change of dates... Etc etc etc. 

If not, they will simply leave a bad/average review and what will happen? Our listing will be suspended/removed. 

Absolutely no help is being proposed, it's been TERRIBLE. 

Many hosts, if not all are currently complaining but absolutely no change(s) whatsoever have been made. 

Currently, 8 listings suspended, sorry we can't hold luggages... We wish we could!!!!!


3 Replies 3
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

I'm sorry you feel you need to meet requests from guests outside of your listing description - I don't hold luggage, provide breakfast and only provide an early check or late check out if it works for me in terms of any bookings I might have. @Pat7793 


I've had solid five star reviews for the last four years.


i direct guests to left luggage facilities in my area .


Are you saying Airbnb suspended your listings because you wouldn't keep a guests luggage? 

Or is it because you have a number of listings that fall below Airbnb's 4.6 rating . Airbnb do say in their T&C that they can  suspend listings that fall below the 4.6 ratings? 

looking at your reviews quite a few of problem areas highlighted in your reviews are related to cleanliness , amenities broken or not working, issues with additional charges , linens not being clean etc which don't relate to the issues you've highlighted .

Actually the issue with this guest was that the government had light cuts during the time of his stay, as it was monsoon season. Alternatively we had provided battery backup, but as we all know ACs don't work on battery backup. To support his issue he added irrelevant issues, like cleanliness, which he himself created. When we handed over the place to him it was spic & span

My listing hasn't been suspended yet, but it says to rectify the issue or i may be suspended. Unfortunately AIRBNB only goes by guests reviews & doesn't consider the reviews or reasoning of the hosts. Hosts should be more important to Airbnb then the guests. If properties are not hosted, then how will guests connect