"Dates unavailable by default" is broken for me

Level 4
Redmond, WA

"Dates unavailable by default" is broken for me

After I noticed a couple days ago that someone was able to book a date that wasn't supposed to be available, I checked my listing's calendar. All future dates were open even though I had set the "dates unavailable by default" option. I tried switching to the other options like "3 months in advance" and they all worked properly. But "dates unavailable by default" is now working like "all future dates", and there doesn't seem to be any way to have a listing which I can open just specific dates. Until I can figure this out, I've unlisted that listing.

Top Answer
Level 4
Redmond, WA

I figured out that my co-host had manually opened all future dates (from the calendar view), so I was able to fix this by manually blocking them again. What confused me was that the manually opened dates didn't stay open when switching the listing availability setting. I didn't think that manually opened dates would then show up as blocked when you switched the setting.

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Level 4
Redmond, WA

I figured out that my co-host had manually opened all future dates (from the calendar view), so I was able to fix this by manually blocking them again. What confused me was that the manually opened dates didn't stay open when switching the listing availability setting. I didn't think that manually opened dates would then show up as blocked when you switched the setting.