Ofrecer sabanas, toallas, papel higiénico y jabones

Level 2
Montevideo, Uruguay

Ofrecer sabanas, toallas, papel higiénico y jabones

Mi huesped dice que la pagina dice que le tengo que brindar sabanas toallas papel higienico y jabones

3 Respuestas 3
Level 10
Florence, Canada

Hola, @Daniel365. I will answer in English - and maybe you can use google translate? There is a Spanish language community forum here: https://community.airbnb.com/t5/Centro-de-la-Comunidad-SP/ct-p/centro-de-la-comunidad

So keep that in mind, but in the meantime:

You are correct. "Essentials" are towels, bedsheets, soap and toilet paper, and your listing has Essentials crossed out. 

However, many guests do not read the Amenities section of a listing, partly because they have to click +More to see them all. And many guests do expect towels, bedsheets, soap and toilet paper. 

So if you wish not to provide these, the best thing to do will be to mention it again in your description. Then guests will have been told very clearly that they will have to bring their own, and they will have no grounds for complaint. 

Hope this helps. I am aware it might not translate well. 

Hola! En mi 2° alquiler tuve ese problema. Ahora, apenas reservan se los recuerdo siempre y nuevamente pocos días antes de su llegada. Averigüe para alquilar para ellos pero cuando son 2 días, por ejemplo) implica el mismo monto que el alquiler de la propiedad.

Para la casa completa (11 pax) son USD 270. 

No sé cómo solucionarlo.

Me pueden ayudar?


Hola @MaríaLuisa2


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