Bonjour je suis carole hôtel depuis quelques année, je suis ...
Dernière réponse
Bonjour je suis carole hôtel depuis quelques année, je suis de la Suisse.
Dernière réponse
J'ai reçu ce message :
"Hello Good day Good afrernoon Good evening}! I am Max. I'm in your city for work. My employer pays for accommodation, but I will stay with my friends. What do I suggest? Book your home and split the money. I will be grateful if you write to me at wh'a-ts аp : +, Four, and,(9, One, seven) Eiight, one,a"
ma curiosité me pousse à répondre à sa demande et je reçois cela :
Hello. We have a great offer for you from which you simply can`t resist. We are the owners of a network of travel agencies and during the pandemic we have some problems with sending our clients on vacation. At the moment, we have accumulated a huge number of gift cards for the Airbnb service, which we buy from tourists at low prices and with the help of them we can book your accommodation or any other. We wanted to offer you the following, we will book your apartments through the Airbnb website, but guests will not come to you and after you receive payment from the Airbnb website, immediately return us our 80% (maybe I can yield a little) of the amount and leave 20% to myself. The booking amounts will be large from $ 4000 at a time. We can cooperate on an ongoing basis if you are interested and with subsequent bookings your percentage will increase, so you can work with us and at the same time rent out your apartment to real guests through other services. At the end of our booking, we leave you a super positive feedback. We have a huge number of gift cards and therefore we need many partners all over the world. If you have friends and acquaintances who rent out their housing, you can bring them to us and you will receive an additional 5% from this. Would you be interested in such a proposal? If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer them and tell you everything in more detail.
All what you need is a link to your object that you submit through the Airbnb, it wouldn`t still be bad if you set a payment for each additional guest (the more the better). Most importantly, don't touch the basic price per night you have. For 25-30 days, on average, you should get $ 5000. Send me the link when you're ready and when you have set the price for the extra guest. If you have any doubts, you can enable the "strict cancellation" option in the settings so that you would receive money in any case. Because the money will be credited to your account anyway if you cancel your booking. At this way you will be confident and calm."
Mon anglais n'est pas courant, cela me semble une arnaque, mais je ne vois pas comment ils peuvent en tirer profit.
Avez-vous déjà reçu ce genre de message?
Bonjour @Nathalie349 ,
Ca m'a lair d'être une grosse arnaque.
Dès que vous recevez un message suspicieux, vous pouvez le signaler.
Je ne passe jamais par un autre site que Airbnb et dès que quelqu'un essaie de vous contacter avec un numéro de téléphone, une adresse e-mail ou un site internet, il faut vous méfier.
Certains sont de bonne foi et je leur explique qu'ils ne peuvent que passer par Airbnb mais dès que je trouve un message bizarre, je bloque et signale.
je vais signaler, de toute manière, avec des montants aussi délirants, cela ne peut être qu'une arnaque, mais je me demande à quel moment, ils nous soutirent de l'argent.
Bon je vais signaler.
merci pour la réponse.
@Nathalie349 bonjour, arnaque connue est tres en vogue en ce moment, "immediately return us our 80% (maybe I can yield a little) of the amount and leave 20% to myself" C'est incroyable comment la pandemie fait fleurir les arnaqueurs en tout genres.
Ha voilà, immediately ! Merci oeil de lynx 😉