Hi everyone,I have a guest who faced some issues during thei...
Hi everyone,I have a guest who faced some issues during their stay and is now requesting a partial refund. The concerns they ...
We have an Instagram for our ABB and I just got a direct message asking the following:
"Hi! Love your IG and your space is so adorbs! Wanted to know if I can book for (X dates) but its a bit special. I am doing a hair demo and wanted to have my models come over for cuts and color and do photos in the yard for my lookbook. I anticipate about 6 people for hair services and my photog will come in the afternoon. I would spend the rest of the time chillaxing on my own. So big question, do you have a chair and sink that will work for shampoos? Should I bring a chair? Do you provide any sort of smocks or should I bring some? What about chemical disposal?"
What about my listing says "pop up salon?" LOL. It just gets. Weirder. Every. Day.
I will say I have had guests cut hair and do their own color while staying. Always a mess but doesn't happen enough to make a rule without my sounding nuts. One ** family gave their two kids serious haircuts in the upstairs bathroom and left the floor looking like an abandoned salon. So maybe it is something about the vibe that calls out "you need a new 'do...."
Geez where does this entitlement come from???? I would be getting rid of this one in a heartbeat 🤪
@Kelly251 yeah we can't accommodate so many people. That was my out. "Thanks for your interest-- that sounds like a fun idea. Unfortunately our insurance for overnight stays won't permit us to have so many people on the premises."
We do sometimes have photographers do portraits at our space but its not booked through ABB and we have a totally different rate sheet 🙂
@Laura2592 Put in your house rules that you will not rent to anyone who uses the term 'adorbs' or 'chillax'.
I guess be glad that the person asked permission rather than your cleaners showing up to find pounds of human hair on the floor and the remnants of several dye jobs on who knows what.
@Laura2592 Why does your listing attract people who want to work, like pruning and repotting your plants, and cutting hair, oh, and cooking full gourmet meals which inlcude deep fried poultry and such? lol. What can you tweak to attract people who want to JUST 'chillax' at your totes adorbs place??
@Colleen253 excellent question. I have no idea.
Maybe I should start offering an "immersive experience" wherein I charge guests to clean, do yardwork etc. I am sure if I started doing that, people would start complaining that they only wanted to "chillax" and I could graciously allow them to do so.
I think you’re onto something there!
It’s the “do you provide smocks?” for me 😅🤣 what Airbnb provides smocks?? Lol let alone enough for 6 people… wild
@Andrea4731 yeah that made me laugh. I honestly had a similar request from a bride who wanted her wedding party to get ready with her during her stay, but it was if we had 6 robes that they could use in the photos. We also declined to host that group 🙂
@Laura2592 should I bring a chair?!? EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
No. No you should not!!
Early on in my hosting career, I worked on a visit for a gal who was coming to town to teach folks her "system" and was going to have drop-in guests. This was before I made extra people a hard no. I occasionally think of that gal and wonder how she's doing and what kind of teaching happened in the barn that weekend.
@Laura2592 actually in thinking more, I think you've missed an opportunity... the response goes something like this:
"Dear xxx, this sounds like just what I've been waiting on! Our town's only stylist passed last month, bless her heart, beauty school just doesn't make them like they used to and some of the gals and I have been wondering where we'll be able to go for a wash and set now that Betty's gone and frankly the roots around here have gone a bit mad! Do you think you could come a day or two early, I'm sure I could get some extra clients over here for you and maybe we could set up a recurring thing, the octogenarians around here would be really happy to see you. LMK! Thanks!!!
ok, no, don't do that, but maybe...
@Kelly149 I was going to ask her if she would provide dog grooming in addition to the hair styling. My guy is shedding like mad. Its tumbleweed city, no matter how much I brush him.
You listing really seems to attract the strangest people ever~ 🤣 🤣 🤣 I can't stop giggling..... and I'm at work...... and my coworkers are staring at me wondering what is so funny!!!!!!!
@Laura2592 I enjoyed the todays reading. I thought it was a Dorothy Dix reading in a magazine. The problem or issue made me chuckle. My thoughts and sugestion is to stick with your gut feelings when you first got the request. I like the suggestion of @Kelly149 about the hairdresser passing on and interested ladies in the location would like a hair cut and dye. The dog grooming is an extra service is also a good idea.
Laura you could put it on Airbnb as an experience workshop with yourself making an extra income by emplying this guy. (Just adding a bit more, fun ideas).