All of a sudden one day I am both... not sure how it happene...
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All of a sudden one day I am both... not sure how it happened but here we are. All is well at the moment.
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It must have "statistically" and "factually", affected airbnb's business, because they backed down and stopped trapping people in the donation page. I would like to see a chart of that time period, and the number of inquiries that made it through vs other times.
@Dori36 I don't understand what you are saying here.... Could you please explain in a little more detail?
- Certainly I would be worried by any forced donation. By definition, a donation is a sum of money FREELY & WILLINGLY given! So a forced donation would be rather undemocratic, if not stealing!
I charge a very low price for my home share rooms, yet some guests really object to the total price after the Airbnb fee has been added, leaving reduced value/overall star ratings! If money was taken from my meagre payment, I'd have to increase my prices so I could afford to operate... Which would increase the price to the guest, leading to greater dissatisfaction!
Covid-19 has hit my already low income very hard. At present I have NO paying guests, & no other source of income. If business picks up, post Covid, only then will I afford to be able to recommence giving to charity. And I will give to the charity of MY CHOICE, not BLM, which is not the sort of charity I wish to support!
really- owners need to complain about this- it's the last thing we need now after COVID!!!
If you go to the reservations page on airbnb, put in a city and date, and it will take you automatically to the Black Lives Matter site to donate page, with no obvious way to get out of it-but to donate, and many people are getting frustrated and leaving the reservation page, that's what. It is affecting bookings.
I am no racist, but I am being called one. It is called BUSINESS.
@Dori36 I monitor my area "incognito" nearly every day just to see who's booking, prices, etc. and I don't see what you're talking about. Perhaps a screenshot of what you're seeing would help?
What I see at the top is the option to put in your city/dates/guests, then you can click to find reservations. Immediately below that there is an option to donate to BLM, but it doesn't automatically take you to the donation page.
Also, could you explain what you mean by "many people are getting frustrated"? How many? Where are getting those statistics? Is Airbnb telling you how many people are getting frustrated? If not, how are you calculating the number of people getting frustrated?
I'd just like to know because I'm not having any trouble getting bookings.
don't know how and I can't figure out how to do that- I am a "non-techy" person that doesn't know how to do many computer related things! just like the people that said they couldn't figure out how to get out of the donation page!!
Here is the fifteen second rule for websites- there is the same for six seconds you have to get a persons interest- or frustrate them or bore them when they can't figure it out--
Why don't you - and all the others who share your views - set up your own short-let platform?
You could call it ** perhaps.
**[Inappropriate content removed - Community Center Guidelines]
That is a racist comment!! Prejudging me~~~
Really @Garrett48 ? Are you sure about that? Maybe a little snickery? @Dori36 does have a point or two worth talking about even if the caplock keeps sticking on his her keyboard!!!!
When we're not getting the bookings we should be getting, you can't get resolutions from the CS in a timely manner and 25% of ones staff were just eliminated, and the whole company is being reorganized, how can they be reaching out past their actual promised sphere of Host influence at this moment? Focus now is important to all of our businesses now more than ever, that is true. We literally can't afford less than the most successful forms of marketing our products to get us the guests we need to survive Covid 19, riots, looting and an economy in shambles. Interim pages of subjectivity and blind linking between seeing then booking a stay at Bearpath Lodging right now are highly undesirable and should be forbidden. This is a business first and always relationship I have with Airbnb not a social movement or a cause larger than the problems we are confronted with in our face. Those require consensus to even have a chance at success and its pretty obvious consensus on this subject is not gonna happen between the members of the hosting community here or across the Airbnb nation.
Besides, you cannot really expect to do more than give BLM pi55 poor lip service here on an Airbnb STR listing Hosting Forum, if one actually wants to be part of that which they are trying to achieve, one should send them a check directly, buy them airtime in the local rag or Tele and or join them on the front line with a [poster and a rose not a hammer and sickle. Anything short of that is probably not what those walking the skirmish line would appreciate or benefit from. Just my POV , stay well all, JR
@Melodie-And-John0 I'd go for entirely rather than a little snickery - and I would have thought that was pretty obvious. Dori's claim (made LOUD, clear and with tiresome repetition) that Airbnb is forcing guests to make a donation to BLM before they can even send an inquiry is, as you very well know, plain wrong; not even a tenuous connection with the truth. Its deliberately misleading and intended to incite negative reaction from the uninformed dullards and deplorables... which, sadly, it's become apparent over the last couple of weeks, there are quite a few of around here. It's like reading the lower dregs of Donald Trump's tweets. So, yes, I was being "snickery".
@Garrett48 , It would seem that restraint isnt a word you subscribe to, insulting people will rarely have an effect that brings people together and I can say without much doubt (99.9%), this board is not a hang out for *offensive comment removed* No worries Garrett, all you need worry about are the Dullards and Im not sure who exactly your painting with that brush, stay well, JR